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Study programmes

Applied Informatics ( full-time 3 roky )
Biology ( full-time 3 roky )
Biology and Chemistry ( full-time 3 roky )
Biology and Geography ( full-time 3 roky )
Biology and Informatics ( full-time 3 roky )
Biology and Psychology ( full-time 3 roky )
Biophysics ( full-time 3 roky )
Chemistry ( full-time 3 roky )
Chemistry and Geography ( full-time 3 roky )
Chemistry and Informatics ( full-time 3 roky )
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence ( full-time 3 roky )
Economic and Financial Mathematics ( full-time 3 roky )
Geography and Geoinformatics ( full-time 3 roky )
Geography and Geoinformatics ( full-time 3 roky )
Geography and Informatics ( full-time 3 roky )
Geography and Philosophy ( full-time 3 roky )
Geography and Psychology ( full-time 3 roky )
Informatics ( full-time 3 roky )
Mathematics ( full-time 3 roky )
Mathematics and Biology ( full-time 3 roky )
Mathematics and Chemistry ( full-time 3 roky )
Mathematics and Geography ( full-time 3 roky )
Mathematics and Informatics ( full-time 3 roky )
Mathematics and Physics ( full-time 3 roky )
Mathematics and Psychology ( full-time 3 roky )
Physics ( full-time 3 roky )
Physics and Biology ( full-time 3 roky )
Physics and Chemistry ( full-time 3 roky )
Physics and Geography ( full-time 3 roky )
Physics and Informatics ( full-time 3 roky )

Faculty profile

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Admission procedure

Accommodation and boarding





Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

University detail


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)



Responsibility for content: RNDr. Iveta Sováková (iveta.sovakova@upjs.sk)
Last update: 15.12.2021 11:04

Draw attention to not topical data