The graduate has obtained the knowledge in theoretical background in informatics, operating systems, data structures, algorithmization and programming languages , analysis, design, implementation and management of software systems, as well as architecture and maintenance of computer networks. The graduate obtained the basic knowledge in law and economics related to software systems. He is prepared to work in teams and is capable of cooperation with experts in other areas. He is also prepared for master degree study in informatics or similar study programs.
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The condition for admission to the admission procedure for the Bachelor's degree at the Faculty of Physical Education of the Jagiellonian University is successful completion of the matriculation examination from at least one of the required subjects of the matriculation examination.
Alternative to the matriculation examination in mathematics is passing the mathematics examination conducted by an authorized external assessor ( An alternative to the matriculation examination in biology or chemistry is an examination in biology or chemistry conducted by an authorised external assessor ( or
An alternative to the matriculation examination in any of the above subjects for Ukrainian applicants for full-time studies with the Slovak language of instruction is passing an examination in the relevant subject assessed by an external independent assessor (
In the academic year 2022/2023, the UPJŠ Faculty of Arts plans to admit applicants to the following bachelor's degree programmes of single-subject study:
Study Programme Form Required subject of the matriculation examination
Applied Informatics D I or M
Informatics D I or M
Mathematics D M
Economic and Financial Mathematics D M
Physics D F or M
Biophysics D F or M or B
Geography D G or M
Chemistry D CH or B or F or M
Biology D B or CH or M
The Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Applied Sciences in Košice plans to admit applicants to the following interdisciplinary bachelor's degree programmes in the academic year 2022/2023:
Biology - Geography D B or CH or G or M
Biology - Chemistry D B or CH or M
Biology - Computer Science D B or CH or I or M
Physics - Biology D F or B or CH or M
/>Physics - Geography D F or G or M
Physics - Chemistry D F or CH or M
Physics - Computer Science D F or I or M
Geography - Computer Science D G or I or M
Chemistry - Geography D CH or F or G or M
Chemistry - Computer Science D CH or F or I or M
Mathematics - Biology D M or B or CH
Mathematics - Physics D M or F
Mathematics - Geography D M or G
Mathematics - Chemistry D M or CH or F
Mathematics - Computer Science D M or I
Biology - Psychology*** D B or CH or M
Geography - Psychology*** D G or M or ON
Mathematics - Psychology*** D M
Geography - Philosophy*** D G or M or ON
Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence D I or M
Explanatory Notes: D - full-time, B - Biology or SCIO test in Biology, F - Physics, G - Geography, CH - Chemistry or SCIO test in Chemistry, I - Computer Science, M - Mathematics or SCIO test in Mathematics, ON - Civics.
*** The study programme is implemented in cooperation with the Faculty of Philosophy of UPJŠ in Košice.
On the basis of the decision of the Admissions Committee, a matriculation examination from vocational subjects at a secondary vocational school may be recognised as an equivalent substitute to the required subject of the matriculation examination. The decision on the recognition will be notified to the applicant within two weeks from the submission of the application for studies.
Applicants who do not meet the conditions for guaranteed admission according to will be admitted to bachelor's study programmes according to the waiting list, compiled on the basis of the results of studies at the secondary school.
Grade average during studies at secondary school
(max. 60 points)
Sum of the number of points obtained for:
1. overall grade average at the matriculation examination: 2. the average of the grades from the midterm report card in the last year of studies and from the end-of-year report cards in the previous three years of studies:
1.00 - 1.20: 30 points 1.81 - 2.00: 20 points 1.00 - 1.10: 30 points 1.61 - 1.80: 23 points
1.21 - 1.30: 29 points 2.01 - 2.20: 16 points 1.11 - 1.20: 29 points 1.81 - 2.00: 20 points
1.31 - 1.40: 28 points 2.21 - 2.50: 12 points 1.21 - 1.30: 28 points 2.01 - 2.20: 16 points
1.41 - 1.50: 27 points 2.51 - 3.00: 10 points 1.31 - 1.40: 27 points 2.21 - 2.50: 12 points
1.51 - 1.80: 24 points 1.41 - 1.60: 25 points 2.51 - 3.00: 10 points
NPS results
(max. 60 points)
Gymnasium and high school seniors may voluntarily take the NPS (
The candidate will be awarded a number of points equal to the percentile earned on the NPS, up to a maximum of 60 points.
In case of passing the NPS, the higher number of points obtained will be credited to the candidate
The result of the matriculation examination in the required subjects
(max. 30 points
The highest sum of the number of points for the required subjects of the matriculation examination according to Paragraph IV. The points for the matriculation subjects according to paragraph IV are allocated according to the grades: 1 - 15 points, 2 - 10 points, 3 - 5 points.
Alternative to the matriculation examination in mathematics or biology or chemistry is an examination in mathematics or biology or chemistry, carried out by a faculty authorised external assessor ( or or In the case of alternatives, points will be allocated as follows:
percentile above 60 - 15 points
percentile 60 - 45 - 10 points
percentile 44 - 30 - 5 points
A candidate may not receive points for both the matriculation examination in the subject and one of its alternative forms.
Significant awards in fields (10 points)
Students will be awarded points for placing in a significant competition in one of the fields for which the applicant is applying. The Admissions Committee will consider the inclusion of points for competitions based on a copy of the diploma sent with the application
Conditions for international students
Applicants from abroad must meet the same admission requirements as students from the Slovak Republic. For students studying at the PF UPJŠ in English, the tuition fee is determined in accordance with the Fee Regulations of the UPJŠ in Košice. The amount of the tuition fee will be stipulated in the contract between the student and the University. For foreign students studying in Slovak language, the tuition is free of charge, but they must be linguistically prepared for their studies.
Conditions of admission without the entrance exam
Guaranteed admission to study is granted to applicants who are successful solvers of the regional or national round of the Olympiad in at least one subject according to the chosen study programme, in categories A or B (for the fields of biology, physics, informatics, mathematics), categories A, B, EF (for the field of chemistry) or categories A, B, CD, Z for the field of geography), or are participants in national and international competitions in the natural science disciplines of mathematics and informatics. The Admissions Committee will consider the inclusion of the competition on the basis of a copy of the diploma sent with the application form.
Guaranteed admission is granted to applicants who, during their secondary education, have achieved a grade average of the end-of-year report cards in the previous three years of study and the half-year report card in the final year of study of no worse than the average for the programme of study set out in the :
Applied Computer Science 2,00
Informatics 2,00
Mathematics 2,00
Economic and Financial Mathematics 2,00
Physics 2,00
Biophysics 2,00
Geography 2,00
Chemistry 2,00
Biology 1,20
Biology - Geography 1,50
Biology - Chemistry 1,20
Biology - Computer Science 2,00
Physics - Biology 2,00
Physics - Geography 2,00
Physics - Chemistry 2,00
Physics - Computer Science 2,00
Geography - Computer Science 2,00
Chemistry - Geography 2,00
Chemistry - Computer Science 2,00
Mathematics - Biology 2,00
Mathematics - Physics 2,00
Mathematics - Geography 2,00
Mathematics - Chemistry 2,00
Mathematics - Computer Science 2,00
Biology - Psychology 1,50
Geography - Psychology 2,00
Mathematics - Psychology 2,00
Geography - Philosophy 2,00
Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence 2,00
Guaranteed admission to study is granted to applicants who have achieved a percentile higher than 60 in the general academic aptitude test of the National Comparative Examinations (hereinafter referred to as the NCE) in a given academic year (
Applicants are admitted to Bachelor's degree programmes in single-discipline and interdisciplinary studies. Interdisciplinary studies are bachelor's studies in two chosen disciplines, after which graduates may pursue a master's degree in teaching in two academic subjects corresponding to the interdisciplinary studies completed, or a master's degree in one of the science disciplines completed in the interdisciplinary studies completed.
The study programme in Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence is an interdisciplinary study in mathematics and computer science, and its graduates may continue at the master's degree level either in a follow-up study programme or in single-discipline study programmes in mathematics or computer science.
Apply the application for study
02.01.2025 - 31.03.2025
Performance of the entrance exam
07.06.2025 - 09.06.2025
Always up-to-date news about university Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.
- School Leaving Certificate (SLC) (paper form)
- Olympiad (paper form)
- First Year School Certificate (paper form)
- Second Year School Certificate (paper form)
- Third Year School Certificate (paper form)
- Final Year School Certificate (paper form)
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) (paper form)
Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
The fee for admission procedure
application form: 30 €
E-application form: 20 €
Always up-to-date news about university Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.
Responsibility for content: RNDr. Katarína Nováková –
Last update: 16.02.2025 16:03