Na akademický rok 2025/2026 je otváraných 40 študijných programov
Katolícka teológia
(external, PhD.)Doctoral studies in Catholic theology have two degrees. The graduate of the first degree receives the academic degree of "Licentiate of Theology". In this degree, special disciplines are taken…
Catholic theology
(full-time, PhD.)Catholic Theology is a doctoral program in Catholic theology focused on scholarly research and independent creative activity in the various specializations of Catholic theology. The object of study…
Katolícka teológia
(full-time, Mgr.)Absolvent katolíckej teológie je kompetentný pastoračne pracovať vo farnostiach alebo kresťanských centrách či inštitúciách. Absolvent katolíckej teológie, ak je zároveň vysvätený za kňaza, je…
Catholic Theology
(full-time, Mgr.)full-time studies - for candidates for priesthood and for lay people
Catholic Theology
(full-time, PhD.)Doctoral studies in Catholic theology have two degrees. The graduate of the first degree receives the academic degree of "Licentiate of Theology". In this degree, special disciplines are taken…
Catholic Theology
(external, PhD.)Catholic Theology is a doctoral program in Catholic theology focused on scholarly research and independent creative activity in the various specializations of Catholic theology. The object of study…