The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice
University profile
The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy (UVMP) in Košice was established and started its activity in the academic year 1949/1950. UVMP in Košice is the only university of its kind in Slovakia. Based on evaluation by European Association Establishments for Veterinary Education, the UVMP in Košice was put on the EAEVE list with current status "Approval & Accreditation".
Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie (UVLF) v Košiciach bola založená a svoju činnosť začala v akademickom roku 1949/1950. UVLF v Košiciach je jedinou vysokou školou svojho druhu na Slovensku. UVLF bola evalvovaná odbornou komisiu Európskeho spoločenstva v roku 1997 a reevalvovaná v roku 2005. Ako prvá zo slovenských vysokých škôl prešla úspešne komplexnou akreditáciou a bola zaradená medzi univerzitné vysoké školy. Poskytuje vzdelanie v prvom, druhom, spojenom 1. a 2. a treťom stupni vysokoškolského vzdelania.
Study places
Seat of the university
0915 984 003, 0915 984 722
055/ 298 1132
Calendar of Terms
Sorry, university did not provide the necessary information to date.University study programmes
Cynology (full-time) |
Feed and Foodstuff Safety (full-time) |
Human - Animal Relationship and Its Application in Canistherapy and Hippotherapy (full-time) |
Human - Animal Relationship and Its Application in Canistherapy and Hippotherapy (external) |
kynológia (external) |
kynológia (external) |
veterinárna sestra (full-time) |
veterinárna sestra (external) |
veterinárna sestra (external) |
vzťah človek - zviera a jeho využitie v canisterapii a hipoterapii (external) |
Food hygiene (full-time) |
General Veterinary Medicine (full-time) |
Pharmacy (full-time) |
pohoda a ochrana zvierat (full-time) |
pohoda a ochrana zvierat (external) |
trh a kvalita potravín (full-time) |
Animal Hygiene and Environment (full-time) |
Animal Hygiene and Environment (external) |
Food Hygiene (full-time) |
Food Hygiene (external) |
Imunology (full-time) |
Imunology (external) |
Infectious Diseases of Animals (full-time) |
Infectious Diseases of Animals (external) |
Internal Diseases of Animals (full-time) |
Internal Diseases of Animals (external) |
Microbiology (full-time) |
Microbiology (external) |
Nutrition of Animals and Dietetics (full-time) |
Nutrition of Animals and Dietetics (external) |
Parasitic Diseases of Animals (full-time) |
Parasitic Diseases of Animals (external) |
Veterinary Morphology and Physiology (full-time) |
Veterinary Morphology and Physiology (external) |
Veterinary Obstetrics and Gynaecology (full-time) |
Veterinary Obstetrics and Gynaecology (external) |
Veterinary Surgery, Orthopaedic and Radiology (full-time) |
Veterinary Surgery, Orthopaedic and Radiology (external) |
Animal Science (full-time) |
Veterinary Nurse (full-time) |
Animal Hygiene and Environment (full-time) |
Animal Hygiene and Environment (external) |
Food Hygiene (full-time) |
Food Hygiene (external) |
hygiena chovu zvierat a životné prostredie (full-time) |
Imunology (full-time) |
Imunology (external) |
Infectious Diseases of Animals (full-time) |
Infectious Diseases of Animals (external) |
Internal Diseases of Animals (full-time) |
Internal Diseases of Animals (external) |
Microbiology (full-time) |
Microbiology (external) |
Nutrition of Animals and Dietetics (full-time) |
Nutrition of Animals and Dietetics (external) |
Parasitic Diseases of Animals (full-time) |
Parasitic Diseases of Animals (external) |
Veterinary Morphology and Physiology (full-time) |
Veterinary Morphology and Physiology (external) |
Veterinary Obstetrics and Gynaecology (full-time) |
Veterinary Obstetrics and Gynaecology (external) |
Veterinary Surgery, Orthopaedic and Radiology (full-time) |
Veterinary Surgery, Orthopaedic and Radiology (external) |
News Archive of news
- 04.09.2024 Jazdecké preteky o Košický pohár v areály Slávie Univerzity veterinárneho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach
- 11.01.2024 Deň otvorených dverí na Univerzite veterinárneho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach
- 10.12.2023 Univerzita na veľtrhu vzdelávania PRO EDUCO
- 22.01.2023 Deň otvorených dverí Univerzity veterinárneho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach
Responsibility for content: Ing. Renáta Božíková (
Last update: 28.02.2024 09:01