Nutrition of Animals and Dietetics

The core knowledge carriers are the profile subjects, which have the knowledge described in the information sheets as learning outcomes. Additional knowledge is achieved by completing other compulsory subjects of the study programme. By completing the profile subjects, the graduate will gain knowledge about the tasks of health management in animal husbandry, where ensuring
and maintaining the health of animals intended for the production of various types of quality
and safe animal products is an integral part and prerequisite for ensuring the required animal performance and efficient productivity of animal breeders. Graduates of the Animal Nutrition and Dietetics program are eligible after completing the 3. Degree of higher education to exercise the profession of a veterinarian specialist in nutrition, dietetics and prevention of health disorders, specialist in diagnostics and quality control of feed, research and development in the field of nutrition, dietetics, production and animal breeding. The level of current knowledge of the biological relationships between nutrition - production - animal health represents the theoretical basis of veterinary medicine and the intensification of animal production, but also a significant limit to its further effective development. Nutrition and veterinary dietetics, by analyzing the health and quality of feed, studying the intake, digestion and absorption of nutrients with monitoring the metabolic transformation of nutrients for the nutritional provision of production (quantity and quality), body resistance, health and reproductive capacity of animals, represents a production-medical approach to the creation of productive animal health. Rising production that exceeds the metabolic limits of the animals in phase represents a risk of metabolic diseases. Therefore, nutritional physiology, analysis of the causes of malnutrition, knowledge and nutritional support of adaptive mechanisms are essential elements of nutritional prevention of metabolic diseases in high production animals. Dietetics and clinical nutrition includes knowledge of nutritional support and regulation of metabolic processes in the clinical stage of morbidity, chronic organ disorders and in the convalescence phase. In companion and domestic animals, it is an important part of prevention and therapeutic procedures with an irreplaceable aspect on the modification of metabolic parameters and clinical changes. Proportional to the impact of the issues studied, the need for professionals and the justification for education in the field is increasing.

Specialist skills are required for the skills achieved by learning outcomes corresponding to level 8 in research and/or innovation problem solving to develop new knowledge and practices and to integrate knowledge from different areas. The information sheets describe the skills that graduates will achieve in the course. Together, the skills achieved in the individual subjects represent an interrelated complex that results in the skills that determine the successful performance of the competencies.

Prospects of graduates

A graduate of the study programme Animal Nutrition and Dietetics can apply in the independent management of livestock breeding, management of individual sectors of livestock production in companies with large-scale livestock breeding and in farms, operation and management of feed production plants and providing advice in the field of statistical processing of results in the field of animal nutrition and dietetics.

The PhD graduate will find employment in:

1) mastery of data, statistical and information processes, the correct setting of husbandry conditions and the processing of feeds of plant and animal origin,

2) management of agricultural holdings, focusing mainly on plant and animal production, preparation and evaluation of feeds entering animal nutrition and their impact on the quality of products of animal origin,

3) advice and control in the field of animal nutrition and dietetics, feed production, welfare compliance, advice and prevention of livestock diseases.

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Conditions of admission

The basic requirement is a 2nd level university degree in a relevant field of study.

Acceptance to study is conditional on successful completion of the admission procedure and knowledge of a foreign language.

Additional information

Acceptance of an applicant to doctoral studies without an admission procedure is not possible!

Conditions for international students

The basic requirement is a 2nd level university degree in a relevant field of study.

Acceptance is conditional on successful completion of the admission procedure and knowledge of a foreign language.

Coordinator for students with specific needs

Doc. MVDr. Zuzana Kostecká, PhD.

Form of entrance exam

Written test in a foreign language (English)

Oral exam


Written test in a foreign language (English) lasting 60 minutes.

  • Apply the application for study

    14.04.2023 - 15.06.2023

  • Performance of the entrance exam

    03.07.2023 - 03.07.2023

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 500 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 30 €

Billing information

Account: University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Komenského 73, 041 81 Košice
Bank: State Treasury, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15, Slovakia
Account Number: 7000072225/8180
IBAN: SK42 8180 0000 0070 0007 2225
Constant Symbol: 0968
Variable Symbol: 72225 + "first and last name" to be entered in the memo for the payee
(VS - Variable Symbol and the details in the memo are used to allocate the payment to the admissions applicant, so please include them when making the payment)

Always up-to-date news about university The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.

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Detail of the study program

The first three years of your studies could be funded by a scholarship of up to €9,000. More information

Detail of the study program


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0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: Mgr. Michaela Kočutová –
Last update: 29.03.2023 17:44

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