Human - Animal Relationship and Its Application in Canistherapy and Hippotherapy

The curriculum focuses on basic knowledge of evolution and evolutionary processes, principles of domestication and cooperation between humans and domestic animals, basic knowledge of the principles of biological functions of humans and animals (especially physiology and behavioural biology), historical and cultural background of the human-animal relationship, animal protection, ethics of animal breeding and use, basic knowledge of behavioural biology, animal breeding and animal protection, knowledge of the specific legal framework conditions of the human-animal relationship, as well as knowledge of the basic principles of species and range conservation and the most important provisions and agreements for species protection, furthermore, an overview of the nature of human-animal relationships (ecological relationships, interspecies interactions to social relationships between species based on social and cognitive mechanisms in humans and animals: Brain, physiology, biological theory of personality, etc.), human-animal communication and the psychology of the human-animal relationship. The curriculum will give priority to the use of animals in psychological therapy, pedagogy, developmental psychology, physiotherapy, medical therapy and prophylaxis. It will explain in detail cognition and consciousness in animals, learning theory, principles of behavior modification, and principles of training in the dog and horse. In addition, some of the courses in the curriculum are oriented towards the assessment of animal health, the risk of zoonotic diseases, animal hygiene, and the basics of law.

Prospects of graduates

The curriculum of the human-animal relationship and its use in canister therapy and hippotherapy focuses on basic knowledge of evolution and evolutionary processes, principles of domestication and cooperation between humans and domestic animals, basic knowledge of the principles of biological functions of humans and animals (especially physiology and behavioural biology), historical and cultural background of the human-animal relationship, animal protection, ethics of breeding and use of animals, basic knowledge of behavioural biology, animal husbandry and animal protection, knowledge of the specific legal framework conditions of the human-animal relationship, as well as knowledge of the basic principles of species and range conservation and the most important provisions and agreements for the protection of species, as well as an overview of the nature of human-animal relationships (ecological relationships, interspecies interactions to social relationships between species based on social and cognitive mechanisms in humans and animals: Brain, physiology, biological theory of personality, etc.), human-animal communication and the psychology of the human-animal relationship. The curriculum covers the use of animals in psychological therapy, pedagogy, developmental psychology, physiotherapy, medical therapy and prophylaxis. It will explain in detail cognition and consciousness in animals, learning theory, principles of behavior modification, and principles of training in the dog and horse. In addition, some of the courses in the curriculum are oriented towards the assessment of animal health, the risk of zoonotic diseases, animal hygiene, and the basics of law.

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Conditions of admission

Admission to study at UVLF in Košice is conditional on the applicant's obtaining a full secondary education or a full secondary vocational education. The order of applicants is determined on the basis of the points awarded for the average of the final school leaving examination and points for active participation in secondary school Olympiads and SOČ in profile subjects (biology, chemistry), work in organisations professionally close to the chosen study programme, which the student must submit in writing with the application form for studies.

Conditions for international students

Admission conditions are the same as for Slovak students.

The study is conducted in Slovak language only.

Conditions of admission without the entrance exam

Admission to study at UVLF in Košice is conditional on the applicant's obtaining a full secondary education or a full secondary vocational education. The order of applicants is determined on the basis of the points awarded for the average of the final school leaving examination and points for active participation in secondary school Olympiads and SOČ in profile subjects (biology, chemistry), work in organisations professionally close to the chosen study programme, which the student must submit in writing with the application form for studies.

Coordinator for students with specific needs

doc. MVDr. Zuzana Kostecká, PhD.

Form of entrance exam

Admission without an entrance exam

  • Apply the application for study

    02.01.2024 - 31.03.2024

  • Performance of the entrance exam

    08.06.2024 - 10.06.2024

  • Send certificate to


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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • Maturitné vysvedčenie (paper form)
  • Olympiáda (paper form)
  • Životopis (paper form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: 760 €
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 760 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 50 €
E-application form: 50 €

Billing information

Beneficiary: UVLF in Košice
Bank of the Beneficiary: Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava
Account: SK42 8180 0000 0070 0007 2225
Bank code: 8180
VS: 550322
ŠS: Applicant's birth number

Always up-to-date news about university The University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.

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Detail of the study program

The first three years of your studies could be funded by a scholarship of up to €9,000. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: Ing. Renáta Božíková –
Last update: 25.04.2024 12:16

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