Parasitic Diseases of Animals

For Level 3, a broad knowledge of the field of work or field of study, including scholarly and pedagogical work and a critical understanding of theories and principles, are required as learning outcomes. The full-time doctoral programme of study defines the prescribed course structure and course offerings, on the basis of which the doctoral student, in cooperation with his/her supervisor, develops his/her individual study plan and completes the enrolment form in the AIS. The content of the doctoral studies is determined by the supervisor in the form of an individual study plan. The study plan shall be drawn up on a uniform form within one month after the start of the studies, specific to the topic of the doctoral thesis, and approved by the person responsible for the implementation, development and quality assurance of the study programme. The study plan shall be supplemented by the basic methodology of the dissertation. The methodology, which shall be drawn up by the doctoral candidate in collaboration with his/her supervisor within three months of starting the studies, shall include, in particular, the state of the art of the subject, the basic scientific, social and implementation objectives and the timetable for the experimental activities. The doctoral student's study plan consists of a study part, which ends with the dissertation examination, a scientific part and the defence of the dissertation. Individual subjects in the study part and activities in the scientific part are assigned credits (ECTS, Art. 10, Credit System). The study part represents 1/3 of the study programme. It focuses on the acquisition of in-depth theoretical knowledge and the acquisition of a methodological system supported by knowledge of selected subjects. The doctoral candidate's individual study plan includes a list of subjects, including a specialist foreign language, to be taken by the doctoral candidate, a list of dissertation examination subjects selected from a list approved by the third cycle study programme committee, and a list of required and recommended literature to be studied by the doctoral candidate as part of his/her individual preparation for the dissertation examination. The compulsory subjects are prescribed to the student on the basis of the requirements for the graduate profile of the field of study. The compulsory and compulsory elective subjects are chosen by the student from the offer of subjects of the study programme (Catalogue of compulsory and compulsory elective subjects for the third cycle of higher education) in accordance with the topic of the dissertation and supplemented with the required number of credits. Completion of the courses is usually completed by examination. By completing the compulsory courses, the doctoral student will acquire knowledge in the field of helminthology, parasitology of bees and wildlife, protozoology and parasitozoonoses. By completing the compulsory elective courses, the graduate will acquire general knowledge of parasitology, including parasitic diseases of fish, arachnoentomology and molecular parasitology, where the graduate will acquire knowledge of the molecular properties and genomics of parasites. In the context of disease processes, it has knowledge of investigative diagnostic methods of parasitoses; it has scientific knowledge of parasitic diseases of companion animals with emphasis on zoonoses as classified by the OIE and WHO; the graduate is also able to navigate pathological processes and recognize clinical signs of parasitoses; he/she is proficient in the management of veterinary care of patients and clients and is proficient in laboratory techniques and scientific methods; he/she is proficient in the management of the administration of therapy for individual diseases; he/she is proficient in preventive veterinary health programs for different species of animals acquired scientific knowledge, knowledge and skills in the field of parasitology. It follows that the graduate will acquire the advanced and specialized skills and techniques, including the ability to synthesize and evaluate, required to solve fundamental problems in research and/or innovation and to extend and redefine existing knowledge or professional practices.

The graduate of the study programme in animal parasitic diseases is qualified to work in various professional spheres of society (professional activities for private veterinarians, professional activities for diagnostic laboratories, specialised scientific departments of the Slovak Academy of Sciences), in the performance of epidemiological and epidemiological activities in the protection of animal and human health, as well as in the prevention of parasitic diseases and the protection of the environment. The scientific part represents 2/3 of the study programme. It is carried out systematically by independent and team scientific research activities focused on the topic of the dissertation. An integral part of the study is the active participation of the student in conferences, seminars and his/her publishing activity. The individual study plan of the doctoral student includes the topic of the dissertation, which may be modified by the supervisor in the doctoral student's enrolment letter after the approval of the chairman of the third-degree study programme committee and the UVLF management in the period before the dissertation examination. By completing the profile courses, the graduate will acquire skills that will enable him/her to master the practical skills and scientific knowledge necessary to implement and complete scientific methods, including laboratory diagnostic methods in the instrumentation of individual workplaces. He/she will have the skills necessary to collect biological samples and perform laboratory methodological procedures in the field of parasitology. The broadly defined competencies for this level are - the ability to manage complex technical or professional activities or projects, to take responsibility for decision making in an unpredictable work or study environment, to accept responsibility for scientific work and for publishing the results of scientific objectives in national and international journals, and to manage the professional development of individuals and groups. Specific competences will be related to the employment status of the 3rd degree graduate.

The graduate is characterised by the ability to display considerable authority, innovation, autonomy, scholarly and professional integrity, and a sustained commitment to developing new ideas or practices that are at the forefront of a given working or learning environment, including research, as well as independent, critical and analytical thinking. Considers social, scientific and ethical considerations in the formulation of research objectives and the interpretation of research results. Contributes to the development of science, scientific knowledge and the application of acquired knowledge to practice through the results of his/her own creative work. He/she presents the results of research and development independently to the professional community. Is able to determine the focus of research and coordinate a team in the relevant study programme. Can independently design, validate and implement new research and working practices based on their outputs and findings

Prospects of graduates

A graduate of the study programme of parasitic diseases of animals can apply as an assistant in veterinary practice, in the teaching process of universities of natural and medical sciences, in animal protection organizations, as a researcher in veterinary and pharmaceutical practice, for veterinary publishing, as an expert in parasitic diseases of animals as a laboratory supervisor for investigative methods for animals and humans, as a consultant in animal husbandry and in zoos, etc.

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Conditions of admission

Completion of the Second Level of Higher Education studies in relevant field in accordance to PhD study (Master/Doctoral degree in Veterinary or Animal Sciences, Natural Sciences or related sciences);

English - language skills in written and spoken at proficient level;

Acceptance is based on successfully passing the entrance exams

Admission of the applicant is not possible without entrance examination!

Additional information

Admission of the applicant is not possible without entrance examination!

Conditions for international students

Completion of the Second Level of Higher Education studies in relevant field in accordance to PhD study (Master/Doctoral degree in Veterinary or Animal Sciences, Natural Sciences or related sciences);

English - language skills in written and spoken at proficient level;

Acceptance is based on successfully passing the entrance exams

Admission of the applicant is not possible without entrance examination!

Coordinator for students with specific needs

Doc. MVDr. Zuzana Kostecká, PhD.

Form of entrance exam

Written test in a foreign language (English)

Oral exam


Written test in a foreign language (English) lasting 60 minutes.

  • Apply the application for study

    14.04.2023 - 15.06.2023

  • Performance of the entrance exam

    03.07.2023 - 03.07.2023

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: 5000 €
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 5000 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 30 €

Billing information

Account: University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, Komenského 73, 041 81 Košice
Bank: State Treasury, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15, Slovakia
Account Number: 7000072225/8180
IBAN: SK42 8180 0000 0070 0007 2225
Constant Symbol: 0968
Variable Symbol: 72225 + "first and last name" to be entered in the memo for the payee
(VS - Variable Symbol and the details in the memo are used to allocate the payment to the admissions applicant, so please include them when making the payment)

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Detail of the study program

The first three years of your studies could be funded by a scholarship of up to €9,000. More information

Detail of the study program


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0910 288 664
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(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: Mgr. Michaela Kočutová –
Last update: 28.03.2023 09:27

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