Faculty of Economic Informatics
Study programmes
Accounting ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Data Science in Economic ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Economic Informatics ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Foreign language study programs are not provided.
Faculty profile
Fakulta pripravuje budúcich ekonómov orientovaných na prácu so všetkými druhmi sociálnych a ekonomických informácií, spojenú s ich získavaním, spracúvaním, kontrolou a vytváraním informačných systémov, schopných implementovať tieto informácie do ekonomických systémov pri analýze dosiahnutých výsledkov v sociálnej a ekonomickej sfére, ale hlavne pri príprave sociálnych a ekonomických stratégií, rozhodovaní o variantoch možných riešení a pri vypracúvaní prognóz.
Fakulta poskytuje vysokoškolské vzdelanie v akreditovaných študijných programoch študijných odborov Účtovníctvo,Hospodárska informatika, Kvantitatívne metódy v ekonómii, Ekonometria a operačný výskum v prvom, druhom a treťom stupni štúdia.
The faculty provides education for future economists that are going to work with all types of social and economic information associated with their acquisition, processing, control and creation of information systems which are able to implement this information into Economic systems in analyzing the achievements of the social and economic spheres, but mainly in the preparation of social and economic strategies, decision-making on variants of potential solutions and in drawing up forecasts.
The faculty provides university education in accredited study programs of the following fieldsh:
- Accounting
- Economic Informatics
- Quantitative methods in economics
- Econometrics and operational research in the first, second and third degree of study.
- Degree of study-bachelor's study is carried out for three years, with a yearly evaluation of the number of credits achieved. In order to complete the 1st degree of study, it is necessary for a student to receive at least 180 credits, which is a prerequisite to carry out the state bachelor's exam and to defend the bachelor thesis. The final bachelor thesis in the range of 25 – 30 pages is elaborated by a student in the 6th semester of study. The graduate is awarded the bachelor’s degree (Bc). (Information on the course of the entrance test)
- degree of study-Master study is carried out for three years, with a yearly evaluation of the number of the credits achieved. In order to complete the 2nd degree of study, it is necessary for a student to receive at least 120 credits, which is a prerequisite to carry out the state bachelor exam and to defend the bachelor thesis. The graduate is awarded the master’s degree (Ing.). (Information on the course of the entrance test)
- The degree of study is carried out in the length of three years in the internal form and in the length of five years in an external form. The third degree of study ends with the defense of the dissertation. The graduate receives the title " Philosophiae Doctor" (PhD.). You can find more information about it on the page about doctoral studies. (Information on the course of the entrance test)
Faculty graduates can do their career mainly in the areas, in which the knowledge of macroeconomics and microeconomics, economic politics and management are required, as well as the ability to work with quantitative information on the social and economic phenomena of different kind; where a computing technique with various specialized software is used; where analyses are made, information for decision-making and management are debated and forecasts are made.
Faculty graduates are able to find jobs in different positions as analysts, statisticians and prognostics, managers, actuaries, planners of economic information systems of enterprises and computing centers, auditors, inspectors, accountants and we can also see them in the top management of businesses and in the high functions of national and municipal administration.
Teaching plans for study programs are comparable to those taught by the leading European and world universities with a similar focus.
The strategic aim of the faculty is to build a top-level scientific and research and education institution, which should meet the requirements of practice, achieve serious results in science and research, and whose education would be fully compatible with similar leading institutions in the world.
Admission procedure
Accounting Bc., full-time
Economic Informatics Bc., full-time
Data Science in Economic Bc., full-time
Accommodation and boarding
Responsibility for content: Ing. Silvia Zelinová, PhD. (silvia.zelinova@euba.sk)
Last update: 26.09.2023 13:50