Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
University profile
Higher education at UKF is based on the implementation of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) what ensures compatibility with outstanding education institutions, thus enabling students to study at universities within the whole European Union. UKF offers all three levels of higher education study – Bachelor´s, Master´s and Doctoral. On each level, the students can choose subjects according to their interests within the offer of the departments, faculties, or even other universities. Thus, each student can actively participate in creating his study programme, making its optimal arrangement and setting the individual pace of his study.
Accredited study programmes,
study programmes taught in foreign languages only:
Constantine the Philosopher University (UKF) is a public university founded in 1992 as the University of Education in Nitra which became a successor of Pedagogic Institute established in 1959 and Faculty of Education (1964). University of Education in Nitra has been renamed to UKF in 1996.
Over the course of time, UKF has secured its position in the Slovak higher education system while transforming itself into a university, an advanced educational and research institution meeting the criteria imposed on European university institutions.The university has defined itself as a comprehensive university with faculties providing education not only in traditional teacher training programmes but also in many other scientific and professional study programmes at all levels of study. UKF has an outstanding position in the region providing study programmes in education, arts, social, human and natural sciences and health care. The university has almost a 50-year long tradition in teacher-training in the Hungarian language of instruction as well as a 13-year tradition of educating social workers and missionaries for the Roma ethnicity. UKF is the only Slovak university that prepares professionals to operate in Roma communities in Nitra and other regions.
Study places
Faculty of Social Sciences and Health Care
+421 37 6408 751; +421 37 6408 757
+421 37 6408 751
Faculty of Education
037/6408 218, študijné_odd._214,_217(ext.),_117(Dr.)
Calendar of Terms
News Archive of news
- 03.09.2024 Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre je medzi najlepšími v projektoch Plánu obnovy (R2 – R4)
- 29.07.2024 Dekan Fakulty stredoeurópskych štúdií UKF v Nitre vyhlasuje dodatočné prijímacie konanie na vybrané študijné programy
- 29.07.2024 Filozofická fakulta UKF v Nitre: Druhé kolo prijímacie konania otvorené!
- 29.07.2024 Dodatočné prijímacie konanie 2024 na Pedagogickej fakulte UKF v Nitre
Responsibility for content: Mgr. Katarína Fabiánová (
Last update: 25.05.2023 14:09