Construction Management

Graduates are highly qualified experts in the field of civil engineering with a major focus on the theory of construction technology and management. They master scientific methods of research and can creatively apply existing methods and theories in the field. They are able to apply the theoretical knowledge gained by studying the methodology of scientific work in the preparation and implementation of scientific experiment. They are able to carry out research activities with regard to ethical and social aspects of scientific activities and their contribution to practice. They master progressive methods of mathematical 6 and computer simulations on the basis of which they are able to optimise the system of construction technology design. Graduates are able to use the knowledge of diagnostics and probability theory to design optimisation of maintenance, repair and reconstruction of buildings. They are able to optimise technological processes in relation to the life cycle of buildings, their lifetime and environmental aspects. Graduates are able to apply their knowledge in order to increase the safety of operation traff ic structures. They are employable in investor organisations of state administration, regional authorities and municipalities, construction companies, consulting and advisory companies, research and construction management structures. They are also employable in the field of investment preparation, preparation and construction of building constructions, economic analysis and studies and asset management. Graduates can also be employed in the preparation and management of investment projects in building industry. They are competent to work in scientific and research institutions and universities. By completing the study programme and earning the third degree of higher education, graduates obtained a suff icient basis on which they can apply for the relevant authorization aft er completing appropriate practice.

Prospects of graduates

Graduates will find employment in investor organizations of state administration, regional self-government and municipalities, in construction companies, in consulting and advisory companies, in research and construction management organizations. They will be employed in the sphere of investment preparation, preparation and construction of construction works, economic analyses and studies and asset management. Graduates will also be employed in the preparation and management of investment projects in the construction industry. They will also find employment in scientific research institutions and universities. By completing the study programme and achieving a third level university degree, the graduate will have a sufficient basis on which to apply for the relevant licence after completing appropriate work experience.

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Conditions of admission

Application forms are to be submitted for individual study programmes and for a topic listed by a supervisor of the given study programme. In case the applicant is interested in more study programmes, it is necessary to apply for each one individually, including payment of the respective admission procedure fees. Applicants have to fill in the form Prihláška na vysokoškolské štúdium - 3. stupeň or they can also use an electronic application form that can be found on the university website: or on the education portal: https:// All required attachments can be uploaded electronically as scanned documents. Applications submitted aft er the deadline and electronic applications without required attachments will not be accepted. In case of absence or failure of entrance exams, the Faculty does not refund the admission fee. If the applicant wants to take part in entrance exams at more faculties of UNIZA, the application forms have to be sent separately to each faculty and the respective admission procedure fees paid separately to each faculty. Enclosures for the doctoral degree study programmes (to be sent with application forms): • Curriculum Vitae, • certified copies of the highest level of education completed (the Diploma on completion of university education of the 2nd degree, the Certificate on the state examination, the Diploma Supplement). Documents issued by the Faculty of Civil Engineering UNIZA do not need to be verified. • a list of published professional and scientific papers, • other evidence indicating any professional activities, • the original proof of payment of the admission fee, • the document from the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic on the recognition of the university studies of the 2nd degree completed outside the Slovak Republic (applies to foreign and Slovak applicants who have graduated from universities of the 2nd degree abroad, including the Czech Republic), • signed application form (in case of electronic submission).

Additional information

Basic condition of admission The basic condition for admission to doctoral degree study (study programme of the third degree) is the full completion of the second degree of university study (Higher Education Act, no. 131/2002 Coll.) in the same or related field of study. In case of a foreign applicant or a student who has completed his / her study abroad, he / she shall submit along with the application form (no later than the date of enrolment) a decision on the recognition of the certificate of completion of the second degree of higher education recognized by a relevant institution in the Slovak Republic or he / she shall ask UNIZA for the recognition of the certificate of education. Other conditions of admission Part of the admission procedure is an entrance examination which consists of: • written examination in the form of a test in one foreign world language (foreign language is other language than the applicant‘s mother tongue), • oral examination in front of the Committee of the relevant field of study. The purpose of the examination is to verify the applicant's knowledge, his/her professional and scientific orientation in the field to which he/she is applies, including the reasons for the choice of the topic of dissertation and methods foreseen to be used when solving the topic as well as the anticipated outcomes of the dissertation. The admission procedure for doctoral study at the Faculty of Civil Engineering UNIZA is also regulated by the UNIZA Directive no. 110, as amended by amendment no. 1 and 2 Study Regulations for The Third Degree of University Study at the University of Žilina in Žilina. A necessary condition is the submission of an application form for university study (doctoral degree - the third degree) within the stipulated deadlines under the „Notice on Selection Procedure for the Doctoral Study at the faculty of Civil Engineering UNIZA“. The course of the entrance examination is regulated by UNIZA Directive no. 110 as amended by amendment no. 1 and 2 The Study Regulations for the Third Degree of University Study at the University of Žilina in Žilina. The Admission Committee shall issue a recommendation on the result of the admission procedure and a proposal of the successful applicants that shall be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering UNIZA. The Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering UNIZA, aft er discussing the proposal with the committee and the guarantors of doctoral degree study programmes, decides in the admission of applicant within 30 days from the date of the entrance examination. The Admission Committee evaluates the result of the entrance examinations at a non-public session, concluding „passed“ or „failed“. If more candidates have applied for one topic of the dissertation, the Committee will determine their ranking on the basis of the result of the entrance examination. When ranking, the Committee takes into account the scope and quality of the previous professional publications of each applicant and the results of his/her other professional activities (e.g. the results of students‘ research, professional or artistic works or competitions, his/her professional experience, etc.). At the same time the Committee will determine the order of all successful applicants. Medical certificate - the faculty does not require a medical certificate of medical fitness for higher education and accepts applications without a medical certificate for all levels of higher education.

Conditions for international students

For foreign applicants, the admission conditions apply as for applicants from the Slovak Republic.
Foreign students who study in a language other than the state language pay tuition fees according to the conditions set out in Section 92(8) of the Higher Education Act. The tuition fee is set by a UNIZA directive and published for the relevant academic year on the University's website. Foreign students studying in the Slovak language do not pay tuition fees. Applicants from the Czech Republic may use the form valid in the Czech Republic to apply for studies. Applicants who do not have an active knowledge of Slovak or Czech are required to successfully complete language training (option to take it at UNIZA).

For foreign applicants admitted on the basis of interstate agreements, bilateral agreements or for scholarship holders of the Government of the Slovak Republic, the conditions specified in the relevant documents apply.

Coordinator for students with specific needs

doc. Ing. Mária Kúdelčíková, PhD., Vice-dean for educational and pedagogical activity at the Faculty of Civil Engineering Tel.: 041/513 62 73 e-mail:

General information on the admission exam

Basic admission requirement

The basic condition for admission to doctoral studies (third degree study programme) is the acquisition of a second degree university education (Act on Higher Education No. 131/2002 Coll., as amended) in the field of study of civil engineering and in related fields of study.

In the case of a foreign applicant or a student who has completed his/her studies abroad, he/she shall submit with his/her application for university studies, no later than at the time of enrolment for studies, a decision on the recognition of the document on the completion of the second degree by the relevant institution in the Slovak Republic, or shall apply to UNIZA for the recognition of the document on the education.

Form of entrance exam

Applications shall be submitted for the study programmes and for the topic to be listed by the supervisor of the given study programme.

In case of interest in more than one study programme, it is necessary to apply for each study programme separately with payment of the appropriate fee.

Applicants should complete the Application for Undergraduate Studies - Level 3 form or use the electronic form. The electronic application form can be filled in via the UNIZA website or the HEI portal All required attachments can be submitted electronically as scanned documents.

Applications submitted after the deadline and electronic applications without the required attachments will not be accepted.

In case of non-participation or failure in the admission procedure, the faculty will not refund the admission fee. If a candidate wishes to participate in the admission procedure at several faculties of UNIZA, the application must be submitted separately to each faculty with payment of the appropriate fee.

Attachments to the application form for doctoral studies:

  • resume,
  • certified copies of the documents of the highest education attained (diploma of completion of higher education of the 2nd degree, certificate of the state final examination, diploma supplement). Documents issued by the UNIZA Faculty of Science do not need to be verified.
  • list of professional and scientific works published so far,
  • evidence of other professional activities,
  • original proof of payment of the admission fee,
  • document from the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic on the recognition of the 2nd degree university studies completed outside the Slovak Republic (applies to both foreign and Slovak applicants who have completed 2nd degree university studies abroad, including the Czech Republic).
  • signed application form (in case of electronic submission).

  • Apply the application for study


  • Performance of the entrance exam

    - 19.06.2025

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • CV (electronic form)
  • (electronic form)
  • (electronic form)
  • (electronic form)
  • (electronic form)
  • (electronic form)
  • (electronic form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1000 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 35 €
E-application form: 35 €

Billing information

Send 20 € to:

Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, Univerzitná 1, 010 26 Žilina

Bank: Štátna pokladnica IBAN: SK59 8180 0000 0070 0026 9896 const. symbol: 0308 variable symbol: 10432 – doktorandské štúdium

Payment method: payment can be paid by bank transfer or postal order to the account above. Proof of payment: proof of payment is to be sent to the Faculty with the application form (or upload electronically) Tuition fees – are determined according to Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education and on the Change and Supplement to Some Acts. Information about the amount of tuition for the respective academic year will be announced within stipulated deadlines on the website of the University of Žilina on Žilina. 4 With payment of the admission fee from the EU member states, the EES countries, territories that are considered a part of the EU (Treaty of Rome, Section 299) and SEPA countries, it is necessary to use BIC: SPSRSKBAXXX, IBAN: SK59 8180 0000 0070 0026 9896.

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


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Responsibility for content: Mariana Hírešová –
Last update: 25.09.2024 08:19

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