Business Management and Marketing

Prospects of graduates

The graduate of the study programme will acquire knowledge and skills and competences:


  • general knowledge at the synthesis level,
  • practical and methodological knowledge of the field,
  • knowledge of commercial law,
  • knowledge of principles, processes, procedures, practices, methods and techniques in management,
  • knowledge of economic theory and related disciplines,
  • understanding of business economics in general,
  • knowledge of the different functional areas of an economic entity,
  • knowledge of the sales process and related procedures and knowledge of the processes of managing sales forces and sales teams,
  • knowledge of market research methods, competitive analysis and consumer research,
  • knowledge of the principles, tools and processes in marketing of business and service enterprises,
  • knowledge of the development of a marketing strategy of a trade and services company,
  • understanding of the principles, tools and processes of marketing communication,
  • knowledge of the process and components of marketing communication,
  • knowledge of the principles of managing, measuring performance and controlling the activities of job roles in the marketing department of a business and services enterprise,
  • knowledge of the principles of managing, measuring performance and controlling the activities of job roles in the marketing department of a business and services enterprise
  • definition of terms, characterization of the different digital marketing tools and knowledge of the customer purchase journey in the digital environment.


  • Determine and evaluate the company's idea, goals and strategies, as well as assess the company's organization and development;
  • drive practical projects and business processes at an operational and tactical level;
  • assess operational economic issues, company accounts as well as prepare company operating budgets;
  • assess the company's operational, logistical, sales and marketing problems and prepare draft action plans;
  • develop, implement, monitor and review strategic marketing plans to ensure alignment with the organization's mission;
  • make decisions based on analysis of the market environment;
  • identify market opportunities and select those most appropriate for the organization;
  • develop marketing and market share plans for a given period;
  • design solutions within sales, purchasing or marketing;
  • manage various functions relevant to the company's purchasing, sales and marketing activities with an understanding of societal and environmental values in the global marketplace;
  • communicate practice-oriented issues and propose solutions in sales, purchasing and marketing;
  • apply a logistics perspective to the company's business activities and prepare action plans for content, including the application of business law in daily practice;
  • plan, prepare and implement market analyses and develop action plans for sales and marketing;
  • drive practical problems and business projects at operational and tactical levels;
  • develop programs to research and analyze market competition and to identify subsequent opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses to support decision making;
  • make decisions regarding pricing, design, innovation and positioning of product and services through market knowledge;
  • design and develop an effective marketing communications mix to achieve marketing objectives and commercial business development;
  • participate in the coordination and execution of communication tasks within the company;
  • build knowledge networks and engage in knowledge sharing in relation to the business;
  • conceptualize and make decisions on product distribution policy;
  • diagnose, formulate and implement innovative strategies in different types of organizations in order to develop the company's public relations and achieve market share goals;
  • work as an entrepreneur by developing entrepreneurial skills and knowledge of the latest technology and marketing trends;
  • develop product concepts based on marketing research in relation to the market situation and verify feasibility in a given market in order to strengthen and develop the company's product portfolio;
  • lead and coordinate the development of new products and modify existing products to meet changing market opportunities.


  • autonomy,
  • ability to independently analyze and solve problems in a changing environment,
  • ability to plan, make autonomous and responsible decisions,
  • ability to think strategically,
  • critical, analytical, creative and flexible thinking (autonomy, adaptability, flexibility, improvisational ability),
  • social competences, in particular communication and presentation skills,
  • the ability to work as part of a team,
  • the ability to present one's own views appropriately and professionally,
  • ability to analyse data (mathematical, statistical, financial, etc.),
  • ability to professionally deliver business activities and manage innovation.

The Bachelor of Business Management and Marketing degree program prepares students for professional careers in business, business management and marketing in both domestic and international environments. The study programme is designed to provide students with the knowledge, theory and methodology of important disciplines in the field of management, commerce and marketing, which will enable them to become experts in, for example, business operations management processes, business economics, marketing communications, e-commerce and business management. By completing the Bachelor's degree programme, students will acquire knowledge, skills, competences, attitudes and values for career opportunities in the field of business, management, trade and marketing, which will enable them to hold lower and middle management positions in any organisation or to carry out independent entrepreneurial activity.

Graduation from the study programme will enable graduates to perform the following occupations specified in the National Qualifications Framework within the appropriate level of the Slovak Qualifications Framework (level 6):

In the National Occupational Framework in the field of Business, Marketing and Advertising, the following occupations correspond to the relevant level of the Slovak Qualifications Framework (level 6), which could be performed by a graduate of the study programme Business Management and Marketing:

  • strategic buyer

In addition to the occupations and jobs indicated above, the qualification will enable graduates to pursue other occupations such as:

  • manager of a business unit, department,
  • business manager,
  • professional worker and manager in the field of e-commerce,
  • expert and manager in digital marketing,
  • marketing, brand or digital channel professional and manager,
  • manager responsible for customer relations or public relations and other target groups,
  • business, marketing, brand or public relations consultant,
  • marketing research, brand or product professional or analyst,
  • service, sales or product representative or manager,
  • account manager,
  • media, marketing and business consultant,
  • advertising executive,
  • expert and sales support manager,
  • product manager,
  • price specialist.

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Conditions of admission

A) Conditions of admission to studies in the 1st cycle of studies (Bachelor's degree)

The basic condition for admission to the study programme is the acquisition of complete secondary education or complete secondary vocational education, including the matriculation examination.

The deadline for sending the application form is by 31 May 2022.

Fully completed application form, accompanied by attachments and sent by the deadline in one of the following ways a) or b):

a) Proper and complete completion of the electronic application form for studies and its submission via the Internet (the application form is available in the MAIS system and simultaneous submission of the printed and hand-signed electronic application form to the faculty address with attachments:

- structured CV,
- original proof of payment of the admission fee,
- officially certified photocopy of the matriculation examination certificate.

b) Sending a fully completed and handwritten and signed application form on Shevt's form to the faculty address with the following attachments:

- structured CV,
- original proof of payment of the admission fee,
- certified photocopy of the matriculation examination certificate.

  • If the applicant fails to deliver all the above documents related to admission to the study, he/she will be excluded from the admission procedure.
  • Administrative fee for the admission procedure shall be paid by applicants by bank transfer or postal money order, and the proof of payment of the fee must be attached to the application form.
  • Applicants who will take the matriculation examination at school in school. 2021/2022, immediately after the matriculation examination send an officially certified photocopy of the matriculation certificate by 15.06.2022 to the address of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Business of PU in Prešov.
  • Further information regarding the admission of applicants to the bachelor's studies will be published on the website of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Business of PU in Prešov, which we recommend to permanently follow.
  • For applicants with specific needs, we recommend contacting the coordinator for students with specific needs, who is Mgr. Vladimír Čema, PhD. MBA (e-mail:
  • A candidate who has received a decision of non-admission may submit a request for a review of this decision. The application shall be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty within eight days from the date of receipt of the non-admission decision.

Additional information

A candidate may submit multiple applications to the faculty for study, i.e. for several study programmes, or for both forms of study (full-time and part-time). The application form must be duly and completely completed and accompanied by the required annexes. Applicants must pay the administrative fee for the admission procedure by bank transfer or postal money order, and proof of payment of the fee must be attached to the application form. The application form in printed form must be signed by the applicant in his/her own handwriting.

Conditions for international students

Conditions of admission for foreign applicants for studies in Slovak language (in case they have not completed their previous education in the Slovak Republic or the Czech Republic):

The condition of admission to the study is the submission of a document - Decision on recognition of equivalence of documents on education (nostrification).

An applicant for a bachelor's degree is considered to be a foreign applicant who has completed secondary school studies outside the territory of the Slovak Republic.

The following conditions apply to foreign applicants for bachelor studies in the Slovak language:

The basic condition for admission to the first cycle of studies at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Trade of the PU in Prešov is a complete secondary education or a complete secondary vocational education completed by the matriculation examination. Another condition for admission of applicants to the first cycle of studies in the Slovak language of study is demonstration of linguistic competence to study in this language. In justified cases, the Academic Senate of the faculty, on the proposal of the dean, may adapt these conditions accordingly.

The method of conducting the admission procedure for Bachelor's studies is specified in point A) and is the same for all applicants for Bachelor's studies. The specific conditions for the admission of foreign applicants to the bachelor's programme are as follows:

1. The last day for submission of applications for studies in the academic year 2022/2023 at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Trade of the PU in Presov for applicants from abroad is 31.05.2022.

2. The application form must be submittedcompletely filled including attachments by the specified date on the prescribed form and must be signed by the applicant.

3. The application must be accompanied by documents no later than 15.06.2022 (in justified cases, the Academic Senate of the Faculty may, on the proposal of the Dean, adapt these conditions accordingly):

  • officially translated and authenticated documents certifying the attainment of full secondary education or full secondary vocational education,
  • statement on the equivalence of secondary school studies issued by the Ministry of Education, Science Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic - i.e. transfer of matriculation examination grades to the Slovak evaluation system (Ukrainian applicants do not document equivalence),
  • decision on recognition of equivalence of educational documents (so-called nostrification) issued by the competent Regional Office of School Administration (in the Slovak Republic), information of the Department of Education regarding recognition of educational documents is available at:,
  • CV and motivation letter (in Slovak language for studies in Slovak),
  • proof of payment of the fee for material support for the admission procedure.

4. Part of the admission procedure for studies in the Slovak language is verification of the applicant's linguistic competence to study the study programme in the Slovak language, which is carried out orally and in writing in the Slovak language (the form to be determined according to the current epidemiological situation) and is compulsory without exception for each applicant. The applicant must successfully complete it

5. The faculty will send an invitation to the applicant for the language proficiency test at least 14 days before the date of the test. The language proficiency test can only be carried out once during the entire admission procedure for the academic year 2022/2023! If an applicant submits multiple applications for different study programmes, the language proficiency check will only be carried out once.

6. The Dean of the Faculty decides on admission to the study on the proposal of the Admissions Committee. The members of the admissions committee shall be appointed by the Dean of the Faculty.

7. The decision on the results of the admission procedure shall be made in writing within 30 days after verification of the fulfilment of the conditions (including legislative ones) for admission to the study.

8. An applicant who has received a decision of non-admission may apply for a review of that decision. The application shall be submitted to the Dean of the Faculty within eight days from the date of receipt of the non-admission decision

9. A candidate who has received a decision of non-admission to study has the right, on the basis of a written request submitted no later than 8 days after the receipt of the Dean's decision, to inspect the documentation of his/her admission procedure in the presence of persons authorised by the Dean.

Conditions of admission without the entrance exam

see Admission procedure - method of implementation

Coordinator for students with specific needs

Applicants with specific needs are advised to contact the Specific Needs Coordinator before applying, who is:

Mgr. Vladimír Čema, PhD. MBA

General information on the admission exam

Admission procedure - the method of implementation is the same for each of the bachelor study programmes at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Business PU in Prešov (in Slovak language):

Method of implementation of the admission procedure for bachelor studies:

Applicants for Bachelor's studies will be admitted in the admission procedure without conducting an entrance examination.

Student applicants may take the REQUIRED SCIO test if they wish to do so (more at

Automatic and preferential admission will be granted to all those applicants for studies of the 1st degree (Bachelor's) who achieve a percentile of more than 50 (inclusive) on the optional SCIO test "General study prerequisites" (or Municipal study prerequisites) - this is an admission irrespective of the average of marks in the final examination, subject to the condition of submitting their valid school-leaving certificate. These applicants will be admitted without evaluation by the algorithm, but their enrolment will be subject to the presentation of their matriculation certificate.

All those applicants for studies of the 1st degree (Bachelor) who are ranked in order of the best result up to the specified number of applicants according to the capacity of the faculty will be admitted.

The rank order of candidates for admission to the Bachelor's Degree shall be made solely on the basis of recognition of secondary school results with the possibility of bonuses. The ranking is generated by an algorithm published on the Faculty's website In the first step of the algorithm, the ranking is based on the arithmetic averages of the grades from the high school diploma, taking into account the type of high school.

For admission to undergraduate studies, the results of the matriculation examinations of all types, from all types of schools will be considered in the following categories:

  • Gymnasium graduates,
  • graduates of another vocational secondary school.

All applicants, i.e. also those applicants who have not graduated from the profile subjects (mathematics and foreign language), will be included in the admission orderfor the relevant positions. Applicants must submit, within the specified time limit, a matriculation certificate certifying that they have passed a valid matriculation examination; in the case of a foreign applicant, nostrification (recognition of the equivalence of educational qualifications issued by foreign schools).

The following factors will have the greatest weight on the ranking of the best applicants for admission to the first cycle (Bachelor's) studies:

  1. The product of the arithmetic average of the matriculation examination marks and the coefficient for the type of secondary school attended (compulsory part)
  2. System of bonuses by which the relevant coefficient is reduced (optional part):

a) bonus for the SCIO test "General study prerequisites" (or General study prerequisites), more details in the document Algorithm of ranking for Bachelor studies,

b) grades on the school leaving certificate in the profiling subjects, namely mathematics and foreign languages (English, German, French, French, Russian, Spanish), which will be systematically taken into account by the bonus,

c) bonus for placement in the Economic Olympiad.

In the event of equality between two or more candidates in the order for admission on the basis of the evaluations applied so far, the better results of the final year report card for the last year, which will be requested additionally by the Faculty of Management, will decide the order.

For all three bachelor's degree programmes, 6 separate different rankings for the admission of the best candidates will be created in this way:

- separate ranking for applicants for full-time study in Slovak language for the study programme Management,

- separate ranking for applicants for external study in Slovak language for the study programme Management,

- separate ranking for applicants for full-time study in Slovak language for the study programme Business Management and Marketing,

-separate ranking for applicants for external study in Slovak language for the study programme Business Management and Marketing,

- separate ranking for applicants for full-time study in the Slovak language for the study programme Tourism, Hotel Management and Spa Management,

- separate ranking for applicants for external study in Slovak language for the study programme Tourism, Hotel Management and Spa Management.

All applicants are advised to keep a permanent eye on the faculty's website (, where all approved clarifications for the academic year 2022/2023 will be published from time to time.

As part of their management studies, students primarily take courses that create a graduate profile - specific curricula are available for review on the faculty website ( under Education/Accredited Programs of Study (

Form of entrance exam

without entrance exam

  • Apply the application for study


  • Send certificate to


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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • CV (paper form)
  • (paper form)
  • (paper form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: 790 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 30 €
E-application form: 30 €

Billing information

Account number: 7000199613/8180
IBAN - SK89 8180 0000 0070 0019 9613
Variable symbol: indicate the applicant's birth number (without slash)

(The name and surname of the applicant must be indicated in the message to the recipient or in the note)

Address of the payee:
University of Prešov
Faculty of Management, Economics and Business
Konštantínova 16
080 01 Prešov

Applications should be sent to:

University of Prešov
Faculty of Management, Economics and Business
Konštantínova 16
080 01 Prešov

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
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Responsibility for content: Mgr. Marcela STRÍŠOVÁ –
Last update: 12.08.2024 10:30

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