Economy of Earth Sources
The study program Economics of Land Resources will provide graduates with a broader professional profile with comprehensive high-quality knowledge, for handling a multicultural environment, managerial skills, with the prerequisites for successfully managing a business, taking into account the specifics of investments in land resources and innovative technologies for obtaining and processing land resources, with the possibility of applying as a qualified manager at higher levels of company management, or to work as an independent expert in specialized departments of the company, primarily in the department of economics and marketing, financial department, management and development of human resources and project management of the company. The cross-sectional nature of the management of land resources, as well as the current development of the world economy, the emergence of large corporations, chains of companies and thus the large movement of goods, at the meta (global), macro (inter-enterprise), micro (intra-enterprise) level, show the need and application of graduates in real economic practice, on the labor market in the Slovak Republic and within Europe, because it is a transparent study program aimed at managing all aspects of a business within business and management in general.
Prospects of graduates
A graduate of the doctoral studies of the Economics of Land Resources study program will acquire knowledge and skills in the field of technical disciplines, in the field of business economics and management, informatics and statistics, which can be used in business planning and decision-making. FBERG TUKE respects the diversity of students by allowing the student to choose the topics of semester assignments and projects, as well as the topic of the final thesis, the option of choosing mandatory elective subjects, by choosing the place of implementation of the internship, creating solution teams when processing projects and assignments, while students themselves create a function in the solving team. FBERG TUKE creates a closer link between the study program and labor market requirements by defining learning outcomes. Mandatory optional subjects are equivalent subjects and profile the knowledge and competences of a graduate of the doctoral study program in the Economics of Land Resources. The structure of the subjects of the study program is designed so that the graduate of the doctoral study program in the Economics of Earth Resources acquires extensive knowledge and skills that will enable him to analyze, model, simulate and evaluate the business activities of a company doing business with earth resources, evaluate and solve complex problems of business management, manage business from the point of view of environmental, legislative, economic and social aspects of business. A graduate of the doctoral study program in the Economics of Land Resources is a well-educated graduate with comprehensive high-quality knowledge, managing a multicultural environment, managerial skills, with the prerequisites for successfully managing a business, taking into account the specifics of investments in land resources and innovative technologies for acquiring and processing land resources. A graduate of the doctoral study program in the Economics of Land Resources has the opportunity to work as a qualified manager at higher levels of company management, or to work as an independent expert in specialized departments of the company, primarily in the department of economics and marketing, financial department, management and development of human resources and project management of the company. The need for graduates in real economic practice is due to the current development of the world economy, the emergence of large corporations, chains of companies and thus the large movement of goods, at the meta (global), macro (inter-company), micro (intra-company) level. Graduates of the doctoral study program in the Economics of Land Resources have the opportunity to apply mainly on the labor market in the Slovak Republic and within Europe, because it is a transparent study program focused on business management within the framework of business with land resources.
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Dissertation topics and abstracts are published on the faculty's website. A completely filled-in application for doctoral studies, supported by the necessary prescribed components, indicating the study program and one dissertation topic, selected from the list of published published dissertation topics in the relevant study program, together with the supervisor's name (§ 54 paragraphs 5, 6), it is possible to submit electronically through the IS MAIS e-application system or in WRITING FORM.
The applicant must also document the completed e-application in its paper form, which can be printed via the TUKE e-application applicant interface. The printed e-application or the classic written application, including the mandatory documents, must be delivered to the Department for VVČ and ZS and education in III. FBERG TUKE degree. The applicant is obliged to provide data on all his previous and uncompleted doctoral studies (enrolment for study) in the application. In case of failure to provide true or complete data in the application, this application and any decision on acceptance will be considered invalid.
Additional information
The admission procedure for the study of doctoral study programs has the character of a selection procedure. The entrance exam (Section 57, paragraph 3 of the Act) consists of a test in a foreign language (English, German, French or Russian) and a professional part. The form and general content are the content of the Invitation to the entrance exam. The dean decides on the acceptance of applicants on the basis of a recommendation, or the waiting list of applicants established by the admissions committee.
Apply the application for study
Performance of the entrance exam
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Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 500 €
The fee for admission procedure
application form: 40 €
E-application form: 30 €
Billing information
Bank: State Treasury Bratislava
Account: SK07 8180 0000 0070 0015 1425
Variable Symbol: 900
Constant Symbol: 0308
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Responsibility for content: Ing. Mgr. Ladislav Rigó –
Last update: 31.05.2024 08:40