Učiteľstvo hudby a cirkevnej hudby
A graduate is ready to take up a position as a teacher of musical arts and church music
in elementary arts and vocational high schools. He is also prepared to take the position of organist and choir director in church organizations.
Prospects of graduates
The graduate acquires knowledge of music pedagogy, music and church music and has the ability to think critically and methodologically and to engage in the creation of didactic projects and methodological texts in this field. He or she is familiar with school legislation and ecclesiastical documents, can apply his or her professional potential in various cultural arts institutions and keeps in touch with the latest developments in his or her specialisation. The graduate has acquired the ability to perform the role of organist, cantor, church player or conductor in religious or educational institutions. He/she is able to instrument church music for the individual voices of the church choir or for the individual instruments of the church orchestra and is able to prepare and implement the musical dramaturgy of the liturgy according to the musical and theological rules. It is assumed that some of the graduates of this study programme are prepared to increase their qualifications by studying at the third level of higher education both at home and abroad.
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- completion of a first or second level university degree
in the same or a related programme of study
- the aptitude test is part of the aptitude test
- those applicants who best meet the requirements for
admission to the study, in order to ensure that applicants
with the necessary abilities and aptitudes
all applicants who have obtained a grade lower than D in the national final examination during their undergraduate studies in the field of study must take part in the admission examination. Applicants will be ranked according to their academic performance in the bachelor's degree (weighted average). If more than one applicant fulfils the admission requirements for a given study programme, the applicants who have demonstrated the highest level of aptitude for the study programme according to the admission requirements will be admitted.
The applicants who have demonstrated the highest level of aptitude for the study programme according to the admission requirements will be admitted to the study programme.
The applicants who have demonstrated the highest level of aptitude for the study programme according to the admission requirements will be admitted to the study programme.
Without entrance examinations
Coordinator for students with specific needs
PhDr. Emil Ragan, PhD.
- complete secondary education or complete secondary vocational education,
- commitment to respect the Catholic spirit of the university and the faculty,
- application submitted by the deadline with the necessary attachments(The completeness of the attachments to the application has been established by the AS TFKU according to Article 27, paragraph 1, letter i) of the Law. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education, as amended),
- fulfilment of the conditions of the admission procedure.
Apply the application for study
01.01.2025 - 30.04.2025
Always up-to-date news about university Catholic University in Ruzomberok on your email.
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- leaving certificate (electronic form)
- attested copy of birth certificate (electronic form)
- čestné prehlásenie o rešpektovaní ducha Katolíckej univerzity (electronic form)
- doklad o zaplatení poplatku za prijímacie konanie (electronic form)
Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: 800 €
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 800 €
The fee for admission procedure
application form: 35 €
Billing information
Bank:State Treasury
Account name: Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku, Priest Seminary of Bishop Ján Vojtaššáka, Spišská Kapitula 12, 053 04 Spišské Podhradie
Account number: SK86 8180 0000 0070 0008 5886 Information for the beneficiary: "PP",
Variable symbol: 1550501
Constant symbol: 0308
- The receipt of payment of the fee or a copy of it should be pasted on the 3rd page of the application form
Always up-to-date news about university Catholic University in Ruzomberok on your email.
We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.
Responsibility for content: PaedDr. PhDr. ThLic. Gabriela Genčúrová, PhD. – gencurgabriela@gmail.com
Last update: 11.01.2025 14:07