Process control of raw materials extraction and processing
The study program Management of processes of acquisition and processing of raw materials will provide graduates with a broader professional profile with the possibility of application in production, in the functions of highly qualified professionals, specialists, heads of project teams for control systems and managers at various organizational levels in industry and in companies, business organizations focused on industrial automation. The graduate has knowledge of the internal processes of production technology. In the preparation of these graduates, emphasis is placed on a very good mastery of typical processes and their adequate mathematical models. The graduate is also able to work as a qualified designer of complex automated units. They are also very well applied in research and project organizations, at home and abroad.
Prospects of graduates
A graduate of the study program Management of processes of acquisition and processing of raw materials, engineering degree, follows the profile of a graduate of the bachelor's degree (Automation and management of processes of acquisition and processing of raw materials), so he is able at a professional level not only to introduce and ensure the functional operation of information and control systems of production and technological processes, but is also able to independently solve the problems of designing and projecting complex control and information systems using the latest results of science and technology in the field. Graduates will therefore have knowledge of general methods of analysis, design and implementation of automatic control systems, from the analysis of technological devices and processes, from of information technologies, design of technical and software tools, designs of optimal management systems and their implementation in a specific application. They have an appropriate level of knowledge in the natural sciences, informatics, economics, and social sciences. From the point of view of a closer specification of the study profile, the graduate can master the active programming of classical and special computer technology (PLC). When creating algorithms, he will be able to use the basic methods of mathematical process modeling, automatic and optimal process control. He will also be able to design and implement modern information technologies, including Web - technologies for managing remote technological processes (remote control) and DB - technologies for the needs of managing technological processes. The specific knowledge of the graduate is a good knowledge of the internal processes of production technology. In the preparation of these graduates, emphasis is placed on a very good mastery of typical processes and their adequate mathematical models. This gives the prerequisites for a qualified mastery of the designer of complex automated units. Graduates are primarily employed as designers of control and monitoring systems for technological processes, but also for the automation of production lines in the field of raw materials processing. They will find employment as leaders and development workers for the introduction of automation in production-technological units and companies designing control systems, and also as creative workers in research. They also have sufficiently developed skills to educate themselves and continue their further studies in a subsequent 3rd degree study program in the given field.
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Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: 600 €
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 500 €
The fee for admission procedure
application form: 30 €
E-application form: 20 €
Billing information
Bank: State Treasury Bratislava
Account: SK07 8180 0000 0070 0015 1425
Variable Symbol: 900
Constant Symbol: 0308
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Responsibility for content: Ing. Mgr. Ladislav Rigó –
Last update: 31.05.2024 08:43