Preschool and elementary pedagogy

Degree programme: pre-school and elementary pedagogy

Professional and scientific profile and application of doctoral graduates

The graduate of doctoral studies is qualified to carry out independent, conceptual and creative scientific research, project and development activities in the field of preschool and elementary pedagogy. He/she understands the broader philosophical, socio-cultural, pedagogical-psychological contexts and theoretical-conceptual bases for designing educational models and their implementation in the socialization and pedagogical processes of children/pupils in the individual areas of the curriculum of pre-primary and primary education, including the specifics of the disciplinary didactics of the individual areas of the child's personality development (language, mathematics, initial science and social science education, art and physical culture). The graduate is able to formulate strategies and actively participate in the further education of teachers and pedagogical staff in the field. He/she can hold a position as a specialist in a pedagogical-methodological workplace in the field of pre-primary education and primary education or in the field of pedagogical and educational counselling.

The graduate's profile is characterized by knowledge and skills that enable his/her independent creative scientific work, relying on knowledge based on the current state of scientific knowledge in the field. In the theoretical field, the doctoral student will acquire, among other things, the methodology of scientific work in the field, he/she will be able to orient himself/herself in the broader philosophical and social-scientific context of the field, he/she will be familiar with the psychological context of the processes of education and child development, and with the newer concepts of learning. Knows the didactic concepts of teaching particular areas of the curriculum in pre-primary and primary education. The student will broaden his/her knowledge and abilities to perceive and apply inclusive pedagogy professionally and in practice. In the area of practical skills, the graduate will know and understand the theories of preschool and elementary pedagogy and their application in practice. He/she will master scientific language and scientific text production, acquire the skills to conduct scientific research in the field, independently compile a scientific project, master the principles of presenting research results, continuously present the theoretical and empirical results of the dissertation project, etc. The graduate of the doctoral study programme is able to apply innovative approaches in practice and thus contribute to the development of the respective field of study.

Prospects of graduates

Graduate placement

The graduate profile and other information about the degree programme is available at:

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Conditions of admission

Standard length of study: full-time form - 3 years / external form - 4 years

Degree awarded: philosophiae doctor (PhD.)

Admission Requirements:

- complete university education of the second degree,
- completion of the same or a related master's degree program (definition of related fields of study: (, https://www.portalvs.en/en/studijne-odbory/zobrazit/socialna-praca), in relation to the chosen field of study/programme
- commitment to respect the Catholic spirit of the university and the faculty,
- active participation in the admission interview,
- successful completion of an entrance examination focused on professional communication, verification of skills, study competences and knowledge in the field of study,
- defending a dissertation project proposal that includes: Justification for the choice of topic, objective, methods and expected outcomes.

Admission process:

Programme of Study: Early Childhood and Elementary Education

1. Assessment of admission conditions for doctoral studies in the study programme Preschool and Elementary Pedagogy.
2. Admission examination.

Components of the admission examination in the study programme Preschool and Elementary Pedagogy:
▪ Written outline of the dissertation project and discussion on the outline of the dissertation project, professional communication and methodological readiness. The intention is to verify skills in written professional communication and subsequent discussion of the dissertation project outline.
Note: The written dissertation project outline is submitted together with the application for studies.
▪ Verification of language skills in a selected world language (English, German). The foreign language examination is conducted in written form and focuses on the translation of a professional text in the given study programme.
▪ Verification of general study competences and knowledge in the study programme of pre-school and elementary pedagogy.
▪ Other possible prerequisites for doctoral studies in the study programme are: publishing activity, teaching practice, participation in a national or international project, study stays abroad, placement in faculty and national competitions of the School of Elementary and Secondary Education, commendation by the Rector and/or commendation by the Dean for the diploma thesis or outstanding results during the study, successful participation in competitions related to the relevant study programme.
▪ Admission interviews will take place from 17.06.2024 to 28.06.2024.
The ranking of applicants will be based on the following rules:
If a greater number of applicants meet the conditions of admission to the study of a given study programme, those applicants who demonstrate the highest level of aptitude for the study according to the conditions of admission to the study will be admitted.

Study Programme: Didactics of Music
- 1. assessment of the conditions of admission to the study,
- 2. admission interview.
The admission examination in the study programme Didactics of Music focuses on:
▪ Written outline of the dissertation project and discussion on the outline of the dissertation project, professional communication and methodological readiness. The intention is to test skills in written professional communication and subsequent discussion of the dissertation project outline.
▪ Verification of language skills in a selected world language. For foreign applicants, communication skills in Slovak and world language. The foreign language examination is conducted in written form and focuses on the translation of a professional text in the given study programme.
▪ Verification of general study competences and knowledge in the study programme didactics of music.
▪ Other possible prerequisites for doctoral studies in the study programme are: publishing activity, teaching practice, participation in a national or international project, study stays abroad, placement in faculty and national competitions of the School of Music and Music, commendation of the Rector and/or
commendation of the Dean for the thesis or outstanding results during the study, successful participation in
competitions related to the relevant study programme.

Admission interviews will take place from 17.06.2024 to 28.06.2024.

The ranking of applicants will be based on the following rules:
If a greater number of applicants meet the admission requirements for a given study programme, those applicants who demonstrate the highest level of ability to study according to the admission requirements will be admitted.
Study Programme: Social Work
1. assessment of the admission requirements for the study,
2. admission interview.
The content of the admission interview consists of the determination of the applicant's prerequisites for independent scientific work in the field of social work, which is demonstrated by an adequately prepared proposal of the dissertation project in the following structure:
- Justification of the choice of the research topic
- Current state of research reality in the given topic
- Proposals of the basic objectives of the dissertation
- Proposal of the research methodology of the dissertation
- Expected outcomes of the dissertation applicable within the scientific discipline of social work

The aim of the dissertation project proposal is to demonstrate the general study competences and orientation of the candidate in the field of Social Work
The admission procedure will include an oral examination in a world language, where the candidate should demonstrate the ability to communicate in this language.
Other possible prerequisites that may be taken into account for an applicant for doctoral studies in the study programme Social Work are: publication activity, teaching practice, participation in a national or international project, study stays abroad, placement in faculty and national competitions of the SSCP, commendation by the Rector and/or commendation by the Dean for the diploma thesis, or excellent results during the studies, successful participation in competitions related to the relevant study programme.

Admission interviews will take place from 17.06.2024 to 28.06.2024.

The ranking of applicants will be made on the basis of the following rules:
If a greater number of applicants meet the admission requirements for a given programme of study, those applicants who demonstrate the highest level of aptitude for the study according to the admission requirements will be admitted.

Additional information

Interviews will be held from 17.06.2024 to 28.06.2024.

The ranking of candidates will be based on the following rules:
If a greater number of candidates meet the admission requirements for a given programme of study, those candidates who demonstrate the highest level of aptitude for the study according to the admission requirements will be admitted.

Coordinator for students with specific needs

University Coordinator for Students with Specific Needs:

Mgr. Katarína Markovičová, PhD., KU Counselling Centre, Hrabovská cesta 1A, 034 01 Ružomberok.

Students with specific needs are advised to contact the KU Counselling Centre ( in order to obtain qualified information about the requirements and conditions of studies well in advance before submitting an application for university studies.

General information on the admission exam


If an applicant is applying for more than one programme of study, he/she must apply for each programme separately.

The application form must be accompanied by:
- a handwritten and signed curriculum vitae in which the applicant provides details of previous employment or current employment, educational qualifications including merit and achievements in an interest-related activity related to the study programme for which the applicant is applying,
- a certified copy of a university diploma II. degree,
- a certified copy of the state examination certificate of II. degree,
- a certified copy of the supplement to the university diploma II. degree,
- a statement of the applicant's choice of a foreign language - model in the appendix
- evidence of language examinations passed (if the applicant has passed them)
- in the case of applicants who have obtained their second degree abroad, a decision on the recognition of the foreign document of education for academic purposes,
- a draft of the dissertation project, which includes: justification of the choice of the topic, aim, methods, a brief description of the state of research on the topic and the basic research questions,
- a list of published articles or a list of results of other professional or artistic activities, or reviews of these works and activities,
- proof of payment of the fee, which must be pasted on the 3. page of the application form. Without proof of payment, the application will not be registered. The application fee is non-refundable!
Confirmation of the registration of the application and information about the further process in the admission procedure will be sent to applicants in writing.
Applicants who require specific conditions for health reasons shall inform the faculty in writing when submitting the application.
Applicants who have completed the II.
- a decision on recognition of a document of education for academic purposes issued by a foreign university (more information on the website of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic: in the section Recognition of documents of education).
An applicant from abroad or an applicant who has completed the second cycle of university studies at a foreign university shall submit a decision on recognition of a document of education for academic purposes. This document is a basic condition for admission to higher education pursuant to Section 56(3) and shall be submitted by the applicant together with the application form and other documents required for the admission procedure.

Form of entrance exam

  • Apply the application for study


  • Performance of the entrance exam

    20.08.2024 - 30.08.2024

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 950 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 40 €
E-application form: 40 €

Billing information

Material security of admission:

Paper Application Form:

Amount: 40,- € IBAN: SK86 8180 0000 0070 0022 4305 variable symbol: 1300501904 specific symbol: for citizens of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic represents the birth number without a slash. Other nationals do not fill in the specific symbol, but enter first name, surname, study programme in the note for the recipient. note for the recipient: first name, surname, study programme; [Optional for citizens of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic.]

Electronic application form:

Amount: 40,- € IBAN, variable and specific symbol: The payment order will be generated by the electronic application form of KU:
The electronic application form will become valid only after the paper application form has been sent together with all the supporting documents in accordance with the admission procedure instructions.

Foreign Payment:

Name of the intermediary bank:ŠTÁTNA POKLADNICA, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15
IBAN: SK86 8180 0000 0070 0022 4305 BIC: SPSRSKBA
Payment recipient:Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku,
Pedagogická fakulta, Hrabovská cesta 1A,
034 01 Ružomberok

Annual tuition fee according to the Rector's Directive on the amount of tuition fees and fees associated with study at the Catholic University in Ružomberok.

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


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Responsibility for content: Mgr. Jozef Čisarik –
Last update: 09.07.2024 09:59

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