Quantitative Methods in Economy

Prospects of graduates

Graduatecontrolledscientificmethods of analysisandsynthesis ofeconomicsystems,whichenablecomplex problem solvingdecision making at alllevelsof the nationaleconomy,usingquantitative methods.Ensurecompatibility ofcontentknowledgeand scientificmobilityinthe European area.

Theoretical knowledge

Graduates of the program Quantitative methods in economics is able to

     * To examine and bring their own solutions to problems in analysis and synthesis of economic systems using quantitative, especially statistical methods,
     * creatively use the knowledge gained in management of economic systems.

Additional knowledge, skills and abilities


Graduates of the program Quantitative Methods in Economics will learn


     * principles of scientific work, research links - economic practice, scientific formulation of the problem and its solution using quantitative, especially statistical methods,
     * Legal aspects of the functioning economic system, ethical and social scientific work site,
     * presentation of the results using current information technology,
     * basic directions of field of science and its benefits for economic practice,
    *structureandprocess ofscientificdetectionof economicphenomena,factsandtheir implications.

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Conditions of admission

Basic requirement for admissionto thestudy programof studyatthirdlevelcollegesin Bratislavaiscompleting the study programthe second degreeinthe field of study3.3.12,3.3.24,3.3.25, orrelated fieldandpassingthe entranceexam.

Additional information

*Incompleteapplicationswillbe returnedforamendment.Applicationsreceivedafter thedeadlinewill notbeacceptedfacultyandtheirrespectivecandidatesreturned.
     * The admission test will be invited only one candidate, who in due time submit a duly completed application form, attach all attachments and pay a fee for admission procedure.
     * No later than 10 days before the entrance examination to the third stage study sent to the Faculty of contestants invited for the entrance examination.
    * In casethetendererby the time ofentrance exams atthe thirdlevel of studyissuedvysokácollege at whichhe graduatedsecond cycle,a certificate ofthe second stageof university study,presented at theentrance examinationcertificate ofcompletion ofthe second degree,issued by theuniversity anddiplomasubmittedno later thanthedeadlineset bythe relevantfaculty.

Conditions for international students

Art.1.12common principles forthe admissionprocedureforthirddegreestudiesatthe University of EconomicsinBratislavaforthe academicyear2011/2012:


"An applicantorcandidatefromabroad,whograduatedsecondMaster'sdegreestudyat a foreignuniversity,submitthe decisionon recognizingthequalificationsfor academic purposes,whichheissuedin Bratislava.Therecognition of theapplicantrequestsin writingin Bratislavainadvance.The application shallbe accompanied byoriginalorcertifiedcopyof certificates issued byforeignhighschool(diploma)and theofficialtranslationof thedocument,authenticated copyof thecompletedcoursesand examsandofficialtranslationof thisstatement,a certifiedcopyof the Diploma Supplement(ifissued by theforeignuniversity)andthe officialtranslationof thisAppendix.The requestmust be madeto:Economics in Bratislava,Div.scienceand doctoralDolnozemskácesta 1,852 35Bratislava."

Coordinator for students with specific needs

doc. Ing. Erik Šoltés, PhD.

General information on the admission exam

Addressfor applications:

Department of Science and PhD

Faculty of Informatics in Bratislava

Dolnozemská Route 1


Form of entrance exam

Terms ofprinciplesgoverningthe admissionprocedureforPhDEconomics University in Bratislava,Art.5.

  • Apply the application for study

    10.04.2015 - 10.06.2015

  • Performance of the entrance exam

    30.06.2015 - 30.06.2015

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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • CV
  • overená fotokópia diplomu
  • overená fotokópia dodatku k diplomu
  • overená fotokópia vysvedčenia
  • potvrdenie o zaplatení poplatku
  • projekt dizertačnej práce (SJ, AJ)
  • zoznam doteraz publikovaných prác (nepovinné)
  • potvrdenie o praxi v prípade ID (nepovinné)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1000 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 40 €
E-application form: 32 €

Billing information

FeeforadmissionprocedureinBratislavaFacultiespaidto the following address:

     * Faculty of Science, University of Economics in Bratislava, Dolnozemská cesta 1, 852 35 Bratislava 5
     * Account number: 7000080671
     * Bank code: 8180 - The Treasury
     * Constant symbol: 0379 (for bank transfer: 0308)
     * Reference: 5461001

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We will send you all the information about important events and deadlines.

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Detail of the study program

The first three years of your studies could be funded by a scholarship of up to €9,000. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: Lenka Kuklišová – lenka.kuklisova@euba.sk
Last update: 11.05.2015 10:32

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