Faculty of Special Technology

Study programmes
Special Engineering Technology ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Special Engineering Technology ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Vehicles Maintenance and Repair ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Vehicles Maintenance and Repair ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Maintenance and Repair of Special Mobile Technology ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Maintenance and Repair of Special Mobile Technology ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Special Engineering Technology ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Special Engineering Technology ( full-time 2 roky ) |
Engineering Technologies and Materials ( full-time 3 roky ) |
Engineering Technologies and Materials ( external 4 roky ) |
Foreign language study programs are not provided.
Faculty profile
The graduate has the ability and employment as a Maintenance Operator (Maintenance Operator, Maintenance Manager) of car services and repair shops, in transport companies and organizations using automotive technology. It also has the ability to apply in the field of services and trade in cars, spare parts, operating materials and commodities related to the use of cars. He can also work as an independent entrepreneur in the field of maintenance, service and sale of cars. The complex knowledge of the graduate enables the progression to the second stage of engineering study.
The Faculty of Special Technology is the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. In the field of education and training, it is focused on the construction, production and reliability of special and mobile technology, in the field of technical materials, technological processes, production management and comprehensive management of production processes in mechanical engineering. For the automotive industry, the faculty educates experts for car service and repair shops as well as managers or production operators.
Admission procedure
Special Engineering Technology Bc., full-time
Vehicles Maintenance and Repair Bc., full-time
Special Engineering Technology Bc., full-time
Vehicles Maintenance and Repair Bc., full-time
Engineering Technologies and Materials PhD., external
Accommodation and boarding
Accommodation of students of the Faculty of Special Technology is provided in the accommodation facility, which is located directly on the school premises. There are standard 2-bed rooms. Up-to-date information on accommodation is published annually on the university website, www.tnuni.sk, in the section for Students - Accommodation.
Catering is provided in the dining room, which is located on the premises of the faculty. Students have the opportunity to buy lunches.
Other services
University Library: http://kniznica.tnuni.sk/index.php?id=aktuality&no_cache=1
University Pastoral Center: http://tnuni.sk/univerzita/celouniverzitne-pracoviska/univerzitne-pastoracne-centrum/ ; http://www.upctn.sk/
Support Center for Students with Special Needs: http://cp.tnuni.sk/ ; http://cp.tnuni.sk/index.php/identifikacia-barier/proces-prijimacieho-konania
Coordinator for students with special needs at FŠT:
Ing. Beáta Kopiláková, PhD., tel.: 032/7400231, mail: beata.kopilakova@tnuni.sk
Ing. Katarína Žitňanská, tel.: 032/7400270, mail: katarina.zitnanska@tnuni.sk
TnUAD Choir: http://tnuni.sk/univerzita/celouniverzitne-pracoviska/spevacky-zbor-tnuad/o-zbore/
University folklore ensemble Družba: http://tnuni.sk/univerzita/celouniverzitne-pracoviska/univerzitny-folklorny-subor-druzba-pri-trencianskej-univerzite-alexandra-dubceka-v-trencine/
Responsibility for content: Ing. Katarína Žitňanská (katarina.zitnanska@tnuni.sk)
Last update: 02.02.2024 11:49