Found 53 conferences
Conferences and seminars
09.10.2018 - 10.10.2018
Transfer technológií na Slovensku a v zahraničí |
06.10.2016 - 07.10.2016
27.09.2017 - 28.09.2017
History, Present and Future of Electrical Engineering in Slovakia |
Research of the structure of matter at CERN and the evolution of the universe |
24.04.2019 - 25.04.2019
Recent Advances in Agriculture, Mechanical Engineering and Waste Policy |
07.09.2009 - 08.09.2009
KOKA 2009 |
New trends in the air protection technology 2011 |
New trends in the air protection technology 2012 |
25.09.2017 - 31.10.2017
Extrapolácie 2017 - podujatie na podporu rozvoja IT vo výskume, vzdelávaní a podnikaní na Slovensku |
The 8th didactic conference |