Teaching the subjects of Slovak language and literature

This study program must be combined with one of the following study programs:

  • Faculty of Arts and Letters - Teaching the subjects of English language and literature
  • Faculty of Arts and Letters - Teaching of Subjects of Philosophy
  • Faculty of Arts and Letters - Teaching the subjects of History
  • Faculty of Education - Teaching of Subjects Biology
  • Faculty of Education - Teaching of Subjects Geography
  • Faculty of Education - Music teacher (in combination)
  • Faculty of Education - Teaching of the Subjects of Chemistry
  • Faculty of Education - Teaching of Subjects of Informatics (in combination)
  • Faculty of Education - Teaching of the Subjects of Mathematics
  • Faculty of Education - Teacher of religious education (in combination)
  • Faculty of Education - Teaching of Subjects of Italian language and Literature
  • Faculty of Education - Physical education teacher (in combination)
  • Faculty of Education - Art teacher (in combination)

Learning objectives of the study programme

  1. To have a broad knowledge of contemporary Slovak, to master its system and use in communication with the necessary orientation in its historical development.

  1. To profile a competent connoisseur of literature with a broad context of its impact in the socio-cultural life of society. To emphasize a creative approach to the interpretation and evaluation of literary texts in correlation with other art forms, and to develop the ability to communicate about literature to the professional and lay public.

  1. Graduate profiling to focus on the acquisition of expected competencies for potential employment in practice in terms of the required quality standards and for follow-up as a teacher of language and literature in secondary education.

  1. To enable the student to acquire scientific knowledge of the specialization of Slovak language and literature in close connection with the pedagogical-psychological, social-scientific and disciplinary-didactic foundations of teaching.

    To enable the student to acquire scientific knowledge of the specialization of Slovak language and literature in close connection with the pedagogical-psychological, social-scientific and disciplinary-didactic foundations of teaching.

  1. To focus the disciplinary-didactic component on the propedeutics of teacher training in the field of general issues of teaching Slovak language and literature, in close connection with the reflection on one's own teaching experience in teaching Slovak language and with the integrative-applicative utilisation of knowledge from the teaching foundation in connection with the profile approbation.

Learning outcomes of the study programme


V1student's knowledge of the Slovak language in time and content sequence and continuity in the scope and at a level leading to synthesis

V2dispossesses relational-argumentative knowledge about language and its laws, about the way and conditions of its functioning in the relevant linguistic levels with reflection and communication

V3knows the basic content, methodology and epistemology of the disciplines of the subject specialization in accordance with the needs of education at the lower and upper secondary level

V4understands the socio-pragmatic contexts and communicative contexts of the Slovak language

V5 acquire knowledge of the theory of literature, the history of literature and the interpretation of a literary text to the extent and at a level conducive to synthesis

V6gain knowledge of major poetics, their realisation and transformations in different literary periods and authorial texts

V7recognise socio-cultural realities and contexts in the arts

V8develop a sipropedeutic of Slovak language pedagogy based on a broader knowledge of the teacher's background in relation to reflection on school practice


Z1student will apply the acquired knowledge in terms of its communicative and pedagogical use

Z2analyses specific linguistic-communicative situations in oral and written speech

Z3is able to synthesize the acquired knowledge from the analysis of language in communicative activities and skills

Z4applies and develops basic techniques, analysis and interpretation of prose, dramatic and poetic text

Z5develops creative, flexible and critical thinking skills

Z6applies linguistic and literary knowledge in a variety of cultural arts activities

7Targeted reflection on selected aspects of teaching Slovak language and literature based on a broader teaching background (including completed teaching practice) with respect to a variety of pedagogical situations


K1student communicatively applies the Slovak language in its oral and written form in a broader socio-cultural context

K2flexibly adapts his/her professional knowledge to the changing conditions of practice

K3expresses himself/herself in the professional terminology appropriate to the field

K4engages with work in the creative arts

K5reflects, evaluates and presents text in a way that is comprehensible to pupils and the general public

K6formulates hypotheses and conclusions in the field of language-communicationand literary-communication education

Prospects of graduates

Graduate Profile

The graduate of the Bachelor's degree programme Teacher of Slovak Language and Literature in Combination obtains a complete university education of the first degree in the field of study Teaching and Educational Sciences.The graduate of Teacher of Slovak Language and Literature in Combination obtains a high quality fundamental education in Slovak linguistics and in the field of literary science with a focus on education with propedeutic abilities to reflect on the work of a teacher of Slovak language and literature in school practice. The possibilities of its application are offered mainly in school socio-cultural practice in the positions of pedagogical assistant at lower and higher secondary education level, worker, methodologist of work with youth, as an assistant teacher of leisure time, state and public administration worker for the relevant area. As a teacher education graduate, he or she understands the socialization and educational process in a broader social science context. He/she is familiar with the principles of creating and designing pedagogical environments for the relevant age groups, as well as with current school legislation. He/she is able to methodically elaborate specific pedagogical programmes and implement specific programmes for individual parts of the content of education and training. The graduate acquires knowledge and skills in the field of social-scientific basis and pedagogical-psychological basis.

  1. The college indicates the occupations for which the graduate is prepared at the time of graduation and the potential of the degree program in terms of graduate employment:

Occupations in which graduates of the Bachelor's degree programme in Teacher of Slovak Language and Literature in combination with the Statistical Classification of Occupations (SK ISCO-08_2020) can be employed:2359001 teaching assistant,5312001 youth worker,2359010 lecturer in youth work,2359011 youth work methodologist,2359012 youth work coordinator

  1. Relevant external stakeholders who have provided a statement or a favourable opinion on the compliance of the acquired qualification with the sector-specific requirements for the profession:

This is not the case for regulated professions.

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Conditions of admission

Admission requirements for study programmes:

FACULTY OF SLOVAK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE in combination with a second subject
- acquisition of a complete secondary education or a complete secondary vocational education;
- commitment to respect the Catholic spirit of the university and the faculty;
- fulfill the conditions also from the second subject combination (in the case of the subjects offered by the PF KU, the conditions are published on pf.ku.sk);
- proof of the level of Slovak language proficiency at least at B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference, if the applicant has received secondary education outside the Slovak Republic and has not completed at least the first (Bachelor's) degree in the study programme of teaching Slovak language and literature.

- proof of the level of Slovak language proficiency at least at B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference if the applicant has received secondary education outside the Slovak Republic and has not completed at least the first (Bachelor's) degree in the study programme of teaching Slovak language and literature.

Applicants will be included in the final ranking on the basis of the results of the matriculation examination.

Additional information

The KU Faculty of Arts also offers the possibility of inter-faculty teaching combinations, i.e. the candidate can choose one subject from the offer of the KU Faculty of Arts and one subject from the offer of the KU Faculty of Education (accredited study programmes of the Faculty of Arts can be found at http://pf.ku.sk). Applicants for interfaculty programmes must meet the admission requirements from both teaching subject specialisations.

For the music education, art education, and physical education teacher education programs, successful completion of a talent exam is required.

Handicapped applicants may request that the form and manner of the entrance examination be determined taking into account their handicap (written request is sent with the application form).

For more information visit http://ff.ku.sk admissions

Conditions for international students

Bidders are on a level playing field

Coordinator for students with specific needs

Counselling Centre, Catholic University, Hrabovská cesta 1, 034 01 Ružomberok, poradna@ku.sk

General information on the admission exam

A candidate can submit:
NOW electronic application
- via e-prihlaska.ku.sk;
- such electronic application is not printed, signed, sent to the postal address of the faculty.

OR paper (not electronic) application
- such a paper (not electronic) application most often on the form ŠEVT is sent to the following address:
Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku
Faculty of Arts, Study Department
Hrabovská cesta 1B
034 01 Ružomberok
Attention! If the applicant submits the application via portalvs.sk, the application must also be sent in paper form to the address of the faculty. In this case, the fee for the material support of the admission procedure is 35 €.

The application form must be accompanied by:
a) confirmation of payment of the fee;
b) in the case of applicants for the study programme TEACHER OF SLOVAK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE in combination with a second teaching subject, who have obtained secondary education outside the Slovak Republic and have not at the same time completed university studies of at least the first (bachelor's) degree in the study programme Teacher of Slovak Language and Literature, also a certificate proving the level of proficiency in the Slovak language at the level of at least B2 in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and Literature;
c) in the case of applicants for the study programme JURNALISM, the applicant may also attach two examples of the author's work (these may be either the results of journalistic work (a newspaper article, a radio piece, a television piece, etc.), or the results of the journalistic work (a newspaper article, a radio piece, a television piece, etc.) published in school, local or other media (can also be online media), or any kind of text (e.g. essays, blogs) except poetry.

The study department must receive (preferably at the time of application, if possible):
a) a certified copy of the matriculation certificate;
b) in the case of applicants who received their secondary education abroad, a decision on the recognition of the foreign secondary school diploma for the purpose of studying in the Slovak Republic.
Information on the further process in the admission procedure will be sent to applicants by electronic or paper mail.

Deadline for verification of fulfillment of admission requirements: by April 15, 2025

Written decision on the result of the admission procedure will be sent to applicants no later than 30 days after the verification of the fulfilment of the conditions of admission to the study. The written decision shall be delivered to the applicants in their own hands.

  • Apply the application for study


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Anticipated number of applicants to be accepted

  • leaving certificate (paper form)
  • proof of payment of the fee (electronic form)

Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: cost free
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1080 €

The fee for admission procedure
application form: 35 €
E-application form: 30 €

Billing information

Bank: State Treasury

Account: 7 000 224 399/8180

IBAN: SK70 8180 0000 0070 0022 4399

Var. symbol: 1400501

Specific symbol: in case of use of electronic application: number generated by electronic application, in case of use of paper application: birth number without slash

Payment note: last name of the applicant and name of the study programme

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Detail of the study program

Chystáš sa študovať na vysokej škole na Slovensku? Teraz môžeš získať štipendium až 9 000 € počas prvých troch rokov štúdia. More information

Detail of the study program


0911 154 882
0910 288 664
037 / 6414881
037 / 6414890
(7.30 - 15.30 h.)


Responsibility for content: Hana Grellnethová – hana.grellnethova@ku.sk
Last update: 19.11.2024 12:06

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