Marketing and Trade Management
Marketing and Trade Management study programme is a doctoral study programme in the framework of the study field 3.3.10 Trade and Marketing. The programme can be taken in two study modes: a full-time with the normative duration of 3 years/6 semesters and a part-time with the normative duration of 4 years/8 semesters.
Prospects of graduates
Graduate of this study programme is able to: master scientific methods of researching the marketing environment, market data, consumer and business behaviour; use methods of simulation and verification of marketing solutions; apply scientific approach in business processes of optimal shaping of marketing functions, marketing processes and marketing.
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Basic enrolment requirements for doctoral study programme at the Faculty of Commerce of the University of Economics in Bratislava (UEBA) is a Master degree diploma and successful completion of Entrance examination.
Additional enrolment requirements are as follows:
a) Completion of high school with specialisation profile in the field of economics, or
b) Completion of high school with various specialisation profiles combined with a document serving as a proof of compatibillity beetween the prospective doctorate student and study programme to which he/she applies to (i.e. certificate of completion of other mode of business education or a document confirming a three-year employment in the field that complies with the field of study as well as with study programme he/she applies to).
Additional information
Doctoral study Entrance examinations at the University of Economics in Bratislava and its respective faculties for the academic year 2018/2019 will be held for accredited study programmes only.
In the academic year 2018/2019 a fee will be charged for the part-time doctoral study mode.
Economic University of Bratislava (EUBA) will accept only an electronic applications submitted in the Academic Information System (AiS2) of the UEBA. UEBA will not take into consideration electronic applications submitted at the University Portal ( In case that an electronic application is submitted at the University Portal, the applicant must bring such application at the UEBA in written form and pay a 40 euros fee without any possibility of discount.
Conditions for international students
International applicants have equal requirements, as do the Slovak applicants. If an applicant has been awarded a Certificate of Slovak living Abroad according to due legislation, he/she is considered a citizen of the Slovak Republic.
International applicant or an applicant that has concluded a Master degree at the university abroad is obliged to submit a Statement of Recognition for academic purposes, issued by the Pedagogical Department of UEBA. In order to receive the aforementioned statement, the applicant must make a timely official request at the Faculty of Commerce in written form. The official request for Master degree diploma recognition also includes:
a) Copy of diploma (education level) certified by notary that is issued by university abroad as well as official translation of the abovementioned diploma translated by certified expert, interpreter and/or translator officially listed by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic;
b) Copy of the Transcript of Records certified by notary that is issued by university abroad as well as official translation of the abovementioned transcript translated by certified expert, interpreter and/or translator officially listed by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic;
c) Copy of the Diploma Supplement (only if issued by the university abroad) certified by notary as well as official translation of the abovementioned supplement translated by certified expert, interpreter and/or translator officially listed by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic;
d) Recommendation issued by the Centre on Recognition of Diplomas (CRD) of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.
Application is to be submitted at the address: Faculty of Commerce, University of Economics in Bratislava, Dolnozemská cesta No. 1, 852 35 Bratislava 5.
Conditions of admission without the entrance exam
PhD studies selection process always includes an Entrance examination.
Coordinator for students with specific needs
Ing. Peter Drábik, PhD.
tel.: +421 2 67291126
Application submitting address: Faculty of Commerce, University of Economics in Bratislava, Office for Science and Doctoral Studies (3rddegree application), Dolnozemská cesta No. 1, 852 35 Bratislava 5.
All information concerning PhD studies selection process will be available on 6th April 2018 at the latest, on the website:
Form of entrance exam
a) Entrance examination in line with the study programme of the 3rdstudy degree and the selected topic of the doctoral thesis that the prospective doctoral student applies to (orally/in writing). For this purpose, the prospective PhD student submits: a project (in line with the chosen topic of the thesis) in both, official language, as well as in English; an application form; a list of already published expert and scientific works/papers. The project should be based on expert and scientific orientation of the prospective PhD student, that should serve as a direction in which the future PhD thesis will be developed and written (scope of the project: approximately 15 pages of A4 size that will fit the range of 27,000 - 33,000 signs including spaces, explanations and footnotes);
b) Entrance examination in English language (orally/in writing); the aim of the language entrance examination is determining one's English language communication competencies; determining of such competencies is achieved through submitting the project in English version in line with the chosen topic of the PhD thesis; structure of the English version of the project is equal to the one submitted in the official language;
c) Assessment of additional prerequisites set by the Faculty of Commerce: motivation/cover letter proving potential PhD student’s independent abilities to participate in scientific fields; proof of research activities: managing a scientific project, publishing in scientific/expert journals or reviewed conference proceedings, Student Scientific Activity (ŠVOČ); certificate of language state examination.
Apply the application for study
05.04.2019 - 10.06.2019
Performance of the entrance exam
28.06.2019 - 28.06.2019
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- projekt (tézy témy) dizertačnej práce, na ktorú sa uchádzač hlási, 2 exempláre v slovenskom jazyku a 1 exemplár v anglickom jazyku (paper form)
- výpis výsledkov štúdia 2. stupňa vysokoškolského štúdia v jednotlivých semestroch (v prípade, ak uchádzač nemá k dispozícii dodatok diplomu) (paper form)
- notársky overené fotokópie dokladov o dosiahnutom vzdelaní (diplom, vysvedčenie o štátnej skúške, dodatok k diplomu) – absolventi EU v Bratislave musia overovať iba diplom, z vysvedčenia o štátnej skúške a dodatku k diplomu doručia kópie (paper form)
- doklad o úhrade poplatku za prijímacie konanie
- uchádzač so zníženou zdravotnou spôsobilosťou a uchádzač so špecifickými potrebami je povinný priložiť príslušný doklad a kontaktovať fakultu v záujme určenia formy prijímacej skúšky a spôsobu jej vykonania s prihliadnutím na jeho špecifické potreby formy (paper form)
- motivačný list v štátnom jazyku, v ktorom sa akreditovaný študijný program 3. stupňa štúdia na Obchodnej fakulte uskutočňuje (paper form)
Annual tuition fees
Standard length of study: 1000 €
Study longer than the standard length of study program, parallel studies: 1000 €
The fee for admission procedure
E-application form: 32 €
Billing information
Entrance examination fee is to be paid by bank transfer only (not by post). Proof of Settlement (Payment) should be attached with the application. Payment orders are not considered as a Proof of Settlement, however bank statements or a certificate stating settlement via Internet banking are valid Proof of Settlement.
Attention: Please make sure that the Proof of Settlement contains correct title of the Faculty, variable codes as well as specific code of the Faculty of Commerce.
Settlement of the Entrance examination fee for the Faculty of Commerce of the UEBA must take into consideration the following information (ONLY in case of domestic and SEPA settlements):
a) Title of the Faculty of Commerce (Payee) in the form of: OF EUBA;
b) Account Number/IBAN: SK4781800000007000080671;
d) Variable code:
- Identification number (without the Forward Slash sign '/');
- Applicants that are not assigned the Slovak identification number by the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic use their birthday in the form: DDMMYY (i.e. for person born on 25thFebruary 1996 (25.02.1996) the following numbers are to be written: 250296);
e) Specific code: 1020003.
For international settlement (made abroad) of the Entrance examination fee for the Faculty of Commerce of the UEBA, following information should be taken into consideration:
a) Beneficiary (Payee): University of Economics in Bratislava;
b) Account Number/IBAN: SK4781800000007000080671;
c) Beneficiary's Bank data: State Treasury, Radlinskeho 32, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, BIC/SWIFT code: SPSRSKBA;
d) Intermediary Bank of the Beneficiary: Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s., Mlynské Nivy 1, 829 90 Bratislava, Slovak Republic, BIC/SWIFT code: SUBASKBX;
e) Remittance Information: OF EUBA;
f) Variable code:
- Identification number (without the forward slash sign '/');
- Applicants that are not assigned the Slovak identification number by the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic use their birthday in the form: DDMMYY (i.e. for person born on 25thFebruary 1996 (25.02.1996) the following numbers are to be written: 250296);
g) Specific code: 1020003.
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Responsibility for content: Renáta Malinová –
Last update: 19.03.2019 17:01